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Tuesday, October 18, 2016
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Lauritsen 469

High Energy Physics Seminar

The Fate of Axion Stars
Hong Zhang, Ohio State University,

If the dark matter consists of axions, some of it will condense into axion stars, which are gravitationally bound Bose-Einstein condensates of axions. If an axion star accretes enough axions to exceed a critical mass, it will collapse. The fate of a collapsing axion star has not been established. One possibility for the remnant is a much denser axion star in which the attractive forces of gravity and axion pair interactions are balanced by the mean-field pressure of the axion Bose-Einstein condensate. A nonrelativistic effective field theory for axions can provide insights into the fate of axion stars. The collapsing process of axion stars and the possible denser remnant produce unique monochromatic radio-frequency signals at odd-integer harmonics of the fundamental frequency set by the axion mass.

For more information, please contact Carol Silberstein by phone at 6685 or by email at [email protected] or visit