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Monday, July 11, 2022
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Online and In-Person Event

INQNET Seminar

Toward discovering new physics with a NISQ processor
Dr Pedram Roushan, Google,


In 2019, it was experimentally demonstrated that a quantum processor could perform certain computational tasks exponentially faster than a classical computer [1]. Going beyond this milestone, we seek to utilize these Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) processors to study computationally intractable physics problems, such as systems of interacting particles. One of the hallmarks of interacting systems is the formation of multi-particle bound states. In a ring of 24 superconducting qubits, we implement the periodic quantum circuit of the spin-1/2 XXZ model, an archetypal model of interaction [2]. By placing microwave photons in adjacent qubit sites, we study the propagation of these excitations. By introducing interactions between the ring and additional qubits, we observe an unexpected resilience of the bound states to integrability breaking. This finding goes against the common wisdom that bound states in non-integrable systems are unstable when their energies overlap with the continuum spectrum. Our work provides experimental evidence for bound states of interacting photons and discovers their stability beyond the integrability limit.  If time permits, I will discuss another recent project which elucidates the noise sensitivity of symmetry-protected Majorana edge modes in a solid-state environment [3]. 

[1] Nature 574, 505–510 (2019)

[2] arXiv: 2206.05254

[3] arXiv: 2204.11372

Downs-Lauritsen Room 469 and via zoom.

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INQNET (INtelligent Quantum NEtworks & Technologies, is a research program that aims to bring together academia, national laboratories, and industry to advance quantum science and technology and address relevant fundamental questions in physics.