Thursday, November 10, 2022
9:00 AM -
11:30 AM
Earth Observations in Support of Climate and Environmental Security
The JPL Center for Climate Sciences (CCS) and Keck Institute for Space Studies (KISS) invite you to attend a virtual mini-symposium on:
Earth Observations in Support of Climate and Environmental Security
Thursday, November 10, 2022
9:00AM-11:30 noon PST
Link to virtual event available via email to [email protected] by 4PM on November 9
This virtual mini-symposium will include presentations and discussion on how space-based climate and environmental observations support U.S. national security interests and decision making. The presentations will be given by national security experts who will provide information and their perspectives on the following topics and questions:
- Climate security 101 – a high level introduction to this new and growing aspect of the national security landscape
- What are the most important climate security and environmental situational awareness objectives and questions from the perspective of the national security community?
- Who uses climate and environmental data and how are they being used?
- What are the trends and the anticipated future demand for climate and environmental data?
- How sensitive are these applications and decisions to gaps and changes in uncertainty level of the data?
- What is the awareness of the climate and environmental security community regarding the role satellite observations play now, or could play in the future, in providing climate and environmental data?
- What are your recommendations for how to better align and bridge these two communities – those using the data for guidance concerning climate and environmental security and those that enabling and improving the underlying data.
Speakers include:
- Anna Michalak - Director, Dept. of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution for Science
- Rod S. Schoonover - CEO, Ecological Futures Group
- Erin Sikorsky - Director, The Center for Climate and Security
- Lauren Herzer Risi - Program Director, Environmental Change and Security Program
- Timothy Stryker - Chief, Outreach and Collaboration Branch, USGS
Event Sponsors:
For more information, please contact Michele Judd by phone at 626-395-6630 or by email at [email protected] or visit Event Website.