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Thursday, November 17, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
West Bridge B157 (CMP Conference Room)

Quantum Matter Seminar

"Many-Body Dynamical Localization"
Victor Galitski, Professor, Department of Physics, University of Maryland,

The kicked rotor system is a textbook example of how classical and quantum dynamics can drastically differ. The energy of a classical particle confined to a ring and kicked periodically will increase linearly in time whereas in the quantum version the energy saturates after a finite number of kicks - dynamical localization. The quantum system undergoes Anderson localization in the angular-momentum space. Conventional wisdom says that in a many-particle system with short-range interactions the localization will be destroyed due to the coupling of widely separated momentum states. In this talk, I will provide arguments that for an interacting one-dimensional Bose gas, the Lieb-Linger model, the dynamical localization can persist [1]. I also will discuss a recent experiment where some aspects of this phenomenon were probed [2].


[1] C. Rylands, E. Rozenbaum, VG, R. Konik, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 155302 (2020)

[2] A. Cao, ..., VG, D. Weld, Nature Physics volume 18, pages 1302–1306 (2022)

For more information, please contact Loly Ekmekjian by email at [email protected].