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Friday, September 20, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
West Bridge 351 (LIGO Science Conference Room)

LIGO Seminar

Chasing Counterparts: Low-Latency data products, coincidences, and the future with Daksha
Gaurav Waratkar,

Speaker: Gaurav Waratkar

Title: "Chasing Counterparts: Low-Latency data products, coincidences, and the future with Daksha"

Abstract: Rapid searches for gravitational wave (GW) counterparts is one of the key areas in astronomy today and the hunt for the next GW counterpart after GW170817 continues. In the ongoing fourth observing run (O4) of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA GW detectors, semi-automated data products are being publicly released in near real-time, providing localization and source properties to guide follow-up observations. I will provide an overview of the low-latency infrastructure and the performance of these data products, validated through the Mock Data Challenges (MDC). To leverage the growing sensitivity of GW detectors and electromagnetic observatories, I'll discuss the status and plans of the Rapid, on-source VOEvent Coincidence Monitor (RAVEN) pipeline, which facilitates low-latency coincidence searches between external and GW events. I will also introduce Daksha, a proposed twin-satellite mission covering the entire sky from 1 keV to over 1 MeV, offering higher sensitivity than any other mission. Daksha's primary goals include discovering the largest number of electromagnetic counterparts to GW events and studying Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs). Building on the legacy of AstroSat's Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager, Daksha will enable in-depth studies of GRB polarization, soft prompt spectroscopy, time-resolved analysis, along with several other science goals. I will discuss Daksha's scientific potential, synergies with GW detectors, and the latest mission updates.

For more information, please contact Lucy M Thomas by email at [email protected].