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Friday, September 27, 2024
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics

Stargazing Lecture

AI in Astrophysics: How Machines Help Us Learn about the Universe
Joanna Piotrowska-Karpov, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Astronomy, Caltech,

Stargazing is dependent on clear weather, but lecture and Q&A happen regardless. Event will occur in-person, with lecture and Q&A additionally live-streamed on YouTube.

For remote viewers, the event will be live-streamed here:

8:00–8:45 p.m. - Public Lecture
8:45–9:45 p.m. - Panel Q&A and Guided Stargazing

Since its rise in popularity two decades ago, machine learning has become an inseparable part of both our daily lives and academia. Being constantly bombarded by exciting headlines, one might wonder whether artificial intelligence (AI) has found the theory of everything yet or how, if at all, it has impacted the way we study our universe. Is it useful? Or just fashionable? And will it make researchers obsolete? In this talk, we will demystify AI and discuss how it can help us perform cutting-edge research, offering pathways to new discovery in astrophysics (as well as why we astronomers may not be out of a job quite yet!)

About the Series

Stargazing Lectures are free lectures at a public level followed by a Q&A panel and guided stargazing with telescopes (weather permitting). All events are held at the Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Caltech and are free and open to all. No reservations are needed. Lectures are 30 minutes; stargazing and panel Q&A last 60 minutes. Stay only as long as you want.

Stargazing is only possible with clear skies, but the lecture and panel Q&A take place regardless of weather.

For directions, weather updates, and more information, please visit:

For more information, please contact Cameron Hummels by email at