Information and Data Sciences (IDS) Graduate Courses (2018-19)
EE/Ma/CS/IDS 127.
Error-Correcting Codes.
9 units (3-0-6):
second term.
Prerequisites: Ma 2.
This course develops from first principles the theory and practical implementation of the most important techniques for combating errors in digital transmission or storage systems. Topics include algebraic block codes, e.g., Hamming, BCH, Reed-Solomon (including a self-contained introduction to the theory of finite fields); and the modern theory of sparse graph codes with iterative decoding, e.g. LDPC codes, turbo codes. The students will become acquainted with encoding and decoding algorithms, design principles and performance evaluation of codes.
Instructor: Kostina.
EE/Ma/CS/IDS 136.
Topics in Information Theory.
9 units (3-0-6):
third term.
Prerequisites: undergraduate calculus and probability.
This class introduces information measures such as entropy, information divergence, mutual information, information density from a probabilistic point of view, and discusses the relations of those quantities to problems in data compression and transmission, statistical inference, language modeling, game theory and control. Topics include information projection, data processing inequalities, sufficient statistics, hypothesis testing, single-shot approach in information theory, large deviations. Not Offered 2018-19.
Instructor: Kostina.
Ma/ACM/IDS 144 ab.
9 units (3-0-6):
first term.
Prerequisites: For 144 a, Ma 108 b is strongly recommended.
Overview of measure theory. Random walks and the Strong law of large numbers via the theory of martingales and Markov chains. Characteristic functions and the central limit theorem. Poisson process and Brownian motion. Topics in statistics. Part b not offered in 2018-19.
Instructor: Tamuz.