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New Clues Emerge in Superconductor Mystery

New Clues Emerge in Superconductor Mystery

Whitney Clavin
Researchers are taking steps toward cracking the puzzle of how high-temperature superconductors work.
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Two Caltech Seniors Win Hertz Fellowships

Two Caltech Seniors Win Hertz Fellowships

Douglas Smith
Caltech seniors Adam Jermyn and Charles Tschirhart have been named 2015 Hertz Fellowship winners. Selected from a pool of approximately 800 applicants, the awardees will receive up to five years of support for their graduate studies.
2015 Hertz Foundation Fellows Charles Tschirhart (left) and Adam Jermyn (right)
A Cool Process to Make Better Graphene

A Cool Process to Make Better Graphene

Ker Than
Material's unique properties in strength and electrical mobility far outpace silicon, with the potential to revolutionize an array of different engineering and scientific fields.
Watson Lecture: Quantum States of Matter in Crystals

Watson Lecture: Quantum States of Matter in Crystals

Douglas Smith
David Hsieh, an assistant professor of physics at Caltech, is searching for new forms of matter that exhibit weird quantum properties in bulk. Find out the why, where, and how at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, October 15, in Caltech's Beckman Auditorium. Admission is free.
Quantum Information Meets Condensed Matter

Quantum Information Meets Condensed Matter

Cynthia Eller
Xie Chen comes to Caltech after a two-year postdoctoral fellowship at UC Berkeley. She recently discussed with us her research interests and ambitions for her Caltech career.
Caltech Faculty Members Honored by Popular Mechanics

Caltech Faculty Members Honored by Popular Mechanics

Kimm Fesenmaier
Caltech engineers and scientists often work at the frontiers of science—pushing the limits of what is known and what is possible. Now, with its eighth annual Breakthrough Awards, Popular Mechanics magazine is recognizing two projects that fall into this category and in which Caltech faculty members have played major roles—the development of ultralight micro-lattices by materials scientist Julia Greer and colleagues, and the Voyager 1 and 2 missions, whose project scientist, physicist Ed Stone, has been at Caltech for the missions' entire 35-year ride.
NSF Awards $11.97 Million to Caltech for Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering

NSF Awards $11.97 Million to Caltech for Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering

Robert Tindol
The National Science Foundation today awarded $11.97 million to the California Institute of Technology for computer software to analyze neutron-scattering experiments. This work could show how to design new materials for a huge variety of applications in transportation, construction, electronics, and space exploration.
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