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The Miracle and Beauty of Physics: An Interview with Cliff Cheung

The Miracle and Beauty of Physics: An Interview with Cliff Cheung

Marcus Woo
Cliff Cheung—who joined Caltech this fall as an assistant professor of theoretical physics—also plays guitar and piano, sings, and writes music. He recently answered a few questions about coming to Caltech and his passion for physics.
Radio Stars

Radio Stars

Marcus Woo
Caltech's newest astronomy professor searches for cosmic radio waves.
Particles and Pants

Particles and Pants

Marcus Woo

Two new faculty members have joined the Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy. Ryan Patterson, assistant professor of physics, studies the elusive neutrino, a mysterious particle that could hold the clues to some of the universe's biggest questions. Vladimir Markovic, professor of mathematics, is trying to understand the shapes and structures of mathematical spaces called manifolds. In particular, he's worked with a mathematical object that resembles a pair of pants.

New LIGO Executive Director Named

New LIGO Executive Director Named

Kathy Svitil

David Reitze has been named executive director of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), designed and operated by Caltech and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), with funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Reitze has also been named a senior research associate at Caltech.

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