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A Molecular Approach to Quantum Computing

A Molecular Approach to Quantum Computing

Whitney Clavin
Molecules in quantum superposition could help in the development of quantum computers.
Illustration of molecules in superposition
Quantum Innovations Achieved Using Alkaline-Earth Atoms

Quantum Innovations Achieved Using Alkaline-Earth Atoms

Whitney Clavin
Through the manipulation of so-called alkaline-earth atoms, researchers have made strides in a leading quantum computer strategy.
Illustration of entangled atoms
Caltech Faculty to Advance Future Quantum Science Efforts

Caltech Faculty to Advance Future Quantum Science Efforts

Whitney Clavin
Caltech faculty will help innovate quantum technologies by participating in four of five new Department of Energy quantum science centers.
Quantum processors
Quantum Fluctuations Can "Kick" Objects on the Human Scale

Quantum Fluctuations Can "Kick" Objects on the Human Scale

A new LIGO Laboratory study demonstrates how the minuscule happenings of the quantum world can affect large, everyday objects.
picture of LIGO's mirrors
"Tweezer Clock" May Help Tell Time More Precisely

"Tweezer Clock" May Help Tell Time More Precisely

Whitney Clavin
A new optical atomic clock makes ultra-precise time measurements
Adam Shaw, Ivaylo Madjarov and Manuel Endres in the lab.
Decade of Discovery

Decade of Discovery

As December winds down, we mark not just the end of another year of discovery at Caltech but the conclusion of a decade of remarkable accomplishments and research breakthroughs.
collage image for decade in review story
Caltech Awarded Federal Funding for Quantum Research

Caltech Awarded Federal Funding for Quantum Research

Whitney Clavin
Caltech scientists have won federal grants for research in quantum computing, quantum networks, and more.
Computer chip illustration
Physics Boosts Artificial Intelligence Methods

Physics Boosts Artificial Intelligence Methods

Researchers from Caltech and the University of Southern California (USC) report the first application of quantum computing to a physics problem.
Higgs boson event
Designing Computer Software of the Future

Designing Computer Software of the Future

Whitney Clavin
“Researchers develop new algorithm for quantum computers.”
Computer chip illustration
New Quantum Liquid Crystals Discovered

New Quantum Liquid Crystals Discovered

Whitney Clavin
First 3-D quantum liquid crystals may have applications in quantum computing.
Patterns from atomic crystals; At right, 3-D quantum liquid crystal
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