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Live Webcast: Ligo, Virgo Scientists to Discuss Continued Search for Gravitational Waves

Live Webcast: Ligo, Virgo Scientists to Discuss Continued Search for Gravitational Waves

The latest research in the effort to detect gravitational waves will be discussed in a press briefing on Wednesday, June 15.
The Power of Entanglement

The Power of Entanglement

Lorinda Dajose
Fernando Brandão explains quantum information science and its power to revolutionize computing and cryptographic systems.
Glitz & Qubits

Glitz & Qubits

Marcus Woo
The Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics has put Caltech quantum computing and superstring theory experts in the spotlight.
Quintessentially Caltech

Quintessentially Caltech

More than 1,000 people gathered to hear exceptional researchers, including 5 Nobel Laureates, from across disciplines to consider our future at a conference honoring Ahmed Zewail.
Considering the Future

Considering the Future

On February 26, some of the nation's leading scientists and researchers—including five Nobel laureates and members of all three National Academies—will gather at Caltech to discuss some of the most perplexing questions facing humanity.
Einstein's Prediction Confirmed by LIGO

Einstein's Prediction Confirmed by LIGO

Kathy Svitil
LIGO opens a new window on the universe with the observation of gravitational waves from colliding black holes.
Contemplating a Quantum Future

Contemplating a Quantum Future

Kimm Fesenmaier
The Institute for Quantum Information and Matter hosted an all-day Quantum Summit on January 27, bringing together scientists and engineers to discuss progress in the quantum realm.
An Entangled Evening of Quantum Science

An Entangled Evening of Quantum Science

Tom Waldman
Caltech celebrates the past and present of quantum science and considers future possibilities that have the potential to revolution society.
Physicists Uncover Novel Phase of Matter

Physicists Uncover Novel Phase of Matter

Kimm Fesenmaier
It is not a conventional metal, insulator, or magnet. It is something entirely different and could hold the solution to a long-standing mystery related to high-temperature superconductivity.
Feynman's Nobel Year

Feynman's Nobel Year

Douglas Smith
Fifty years ago on October 21, 1965, Caltech's Richard Feynman shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Julian Schwinger and Sin-Itiro Tomonaga. The three independently brokered workable marriages between 20th-century quantum mechanics and 19th-century electromagnetic field theory.
Richard Feynman