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Kimble to Receive Physics Award

Kimble to Receive Physics Award

Brian Bell
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Physicist Wins $3 Million Physics Prize

Physicist Wins $3 Million Physics Prize

Katie Neith

Alexei Kitaev, professor of theoretical physics, computer science, and mathematics at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), has been named an inaugural winner of the Fundamental Physics Prize—a $3 million award that represents the largest academic prize given to an individual in the history of science.

Alexei Kitaev
High-Energy Physicists Set Record for Network Data Transfer

High-Energy Physicists Set Record for Network Data Transfer

Marcus Woo

Researchers have set a new world record for data transfer, helping to usher in the next generation of high-speed network technology. The international team was able to transfer data in opposite directions at a combined rate of 186 gigabits per second (Gbps) in a wide-area network circuit. The rate is equivalent to moving two million gigabytes per day, fast enough to transfer nearly 100,000 full Blu-ray disks—each with a complete movie and all the extras—in a day.

Caltech Awarded $12.6 Million for New Institute for Quantum Information and Matter

Caltech Awarded $12.6 Million for New Institute for Quantum Information and Matter

Kimm Fesenmaier

Caltech has been awarded $12.6 million in funding over the next five years by the National Science Foundation to create a new Physics Frontiers Center. Dubbed the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter (IQIM), the center will bring physicists and computer scientists together to push theoretical and experimental boundaries in the study of exotic quantum states.

Caltech Physicists Demonstrate a Four-Fold Quantum Memory

Caltech Physicists Demonstrate a Four-Fold Quantum Memory

Marcus Woo
Caltech researchers, led by William L. Valentine Professor and professor of physics H. Jeff Kimble, have made an important achievement in the field of quantum information. Their proof-of-principle experiment, in which they demonstrate quantum entanglement with a four-part system, helps pave the way toward quantum networks and quantum computers, machines much faster than conventional, silicon-based ones.
Caltech Physicist Named National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellow

Caltech Physicist Named National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellow

Jon Weiner

Caltech's H. Jeff Kimble named National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellow.

Caltech Physicists Propose Quantum Entanglement for Motion of Microscopic Objects

Caltech Physicists Propose Quantum Entanglement for Motion of Microscopic Objects

Kathy Svitil

Researchers at the Caltech have proposed a new paradigm that should allow scientists to observe quantum behavior in small mechanical systems. Their ideas, described in the early online issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, offer a new means of addressing one of the most fascinating issues in quantum mechanics: the nature of quantum superposition and entanglement in progressively larger and more complex systems.

Caltech logo
Mechanics: Nano Meets Quantum

Mechanics: Nano Meets Quantum

Kathy Svitil

Physicists at Caltech have developed a new tool that can be used to search for quantum effects in an ordinary object.

Uncertainty Principle Used to Detect Entanglement of Photon Shared Among Four Locations

Uncertainty Principle Used to Detect Entanglement of Photon Shared Among Four Locations

Kathy Svitil

Scientists at Caltech have developed an efficient method to detect entanglement shared among multiple parts of an optical system. They show how entanglement, in the form of beams of light simultaneously propagating along four distinct paths, can be detected with a surprisingly small number of measurements. Entanglement is an essential resource in quantum information science, which is the study of advanced computation and communication based on the laws of quantum mechanics.

Caltech logo
Physicists Transcribe Entanglement into and out of a Quantum Memory

Physicists Transcribe Entanglement into and out of a Quantum Memory

elisabeth nadin
Scientists at the California Institute of Technology have laid the groundwork for a crucial step in quantum information science. They show how entanglement, an essential property of quantum mechanics, can be generated between beams of light, stored in a quantum memory, and mapped back into light with the push of a button.
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