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W.M. Keck Foundation Gift to Enable Caltech and JPL Scientists to Research the Universe's Violent Origin

W.M. Keck Foundation Gift to Enable Caltech and JPL Scientists to Research the Universe's Violent Origin

Jon Weiner
The W.M. Keck Foundation has awarded $2.3 million to the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) to fund the Keck Array--a suite of three microwave polarimeters at the South Pole--and the corresponding research initiative, "Imaging the Beginning of Time: A Search for the Signature of Inflation in the Cosmic Microwave Background."
Ooguri Appointed Fred Kavli Professor of Theoretical Physics

Ooguri Appointed Fred Kavli Professor of Theoretical Physics

John Avery
Like many Japanese schoolchildren, Hirosi Ooguri read about the physicist Hideki Yukawa, who became Japan's first Nobel laureate in 1949 for predicting the existence of mesons, elementary particles that hold atomic nuclei together. Ooguri says, "I was very impressed by the power of mathematics in discovering how the universe works."
New Astrophysics Building Under Way

New Astrophysics Building Under Way

Jill Perry
In December 2008 astronomers and astrophysicists at the California Institute of Technology will have a new home for their offices, classes, and meetings. Construction on the Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics began Jan. 31 with a groundbreaking ceremony.
NSF Awards $11.97 Million to Caltech for Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering

NSF Awards $11.97 Million to Caltech for Distributed Data Analysis of Neutron Scattering

Robert Tindol
The National Science Foundation today awarded $11.97 million to the California Institute of Technology for computer software to analyze neutron-scattering experiments. This work could show how to design new materials for a huge variety of applications in transportation, construction, electronics, and space exploration.
CARMA Radio Telescope Array in the Inyo Mountains Dedicated May 5

CARMA Radio Telescope Array in the Inyo Mountains Dedicated May 5

Robert Tindol
The official dedication of the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-Wave Astronomy (CARMA) facility was held Friday, May 5, at Cedar Flat in the Inyo Mountains near Bishop.
New Home for Astronomers

New Home for Astronomers

For almost 100 years, Caltech has been at the forefront of astronomy and astrophysics, pioneering research that has led to greater understanding of the earth, the solar system, and the Universe. Now the Institute is about to help its world-renowned astronomers and other investigators continue their groundbreaking discoveries well into the 21st century.

Caltech, Cornell announce new $2-million study for building giant submillimeter telescope

Caltech, Cornell announce new $2-million study for building giant submillimeter telescope

Robert Tindol
The California Institute of Technology and Cornell University are in the planning stages for a new 25-meter telescope to be built in Chile. The submillimeter telescope will cost an estimated $60 million and will be nearly two times larger in diameter than the largest submillimeter telescope currently in existence.
Moore Foundation Awards Additional $17.5 Million for Thirty-Meter Telescope Plans

Moore Foundation Awards Additional $17.5 Million for Thirty-Meter Telescope Plans

Jill Perry
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Caltech Receives $10 Million Grant fromSherman Fairchild Foundation

Caltech Receives $10 Million Grant fromSherman Fairchild Foundation

Deborah Williams-Hedges
The California Institute of Technology has received a $10 million grant from the Sherman Fairchild Foundation to establish an endowment for the existing Sherman Fairchild Postdoctoral Scholars Program in theoretical physics, theoretical astrophysics, and mathematics.
Caltech Receives Funding to Establish Network of Cosmic-Ray Detectors in High Schools

Caltech Receives Funding to Establish Network of Cosmic-Ray Detectors in High Schools

Los Angeles-area high school students will team up with California Institute of Technology researchers to study ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays on their own campuses, thanks to a recent grant from the Weingart Foundation.
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