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2024 Year in Review

2024 Year in Review

Caltech News
As 2024 draws to a close, we look back at some of the Caltech-led discoveries and innovations from throughout the past year.
Collage of images from 2024 Caltech news stories including jellyfish, microbes, supernovae and more, with nothing illustrated at scale.
Breaking Ground on the Quantum World

Breaking Ground on the Quantum World

Ann Motrunich
A new interdisciplinary laboratory will probe the nature of space and time.
A duotoned green montage includes quantum physics experimental equipment, images related to fundamental physics and astrophysics, and a preliminary building concept.
2022 Year in Review

2022 Year in Review

As the end of 2022 quickly approaches, Caltech News looks back at our coverage of the research, discoveries, events, and experiences that shaped the Institute. Here are some highlights.
2022 Year in Review collage
Caltech Researchers Help Generate First Image of Black Hole at the Center of Our Galaxy

Caltech Researchers Help Generate First Image of Black Hole at the Center of Our Galaxy

Robert Perkins
Event Horizon Telescope team captures the first image of Sagittarius A*.
Black Hole 1
Ginsburgs Give to Create New Quantum Center and Building at Caltech

Ginsburgs Give to Create New Quantum Center and Building at Caltech

Ann Motrunich
The center will unite researchers exploring quantum systems and their potential uses.
Dr. Allen and Charlotte Ginsburg
New Quantum Measurement Center Launched by Sherman Fairchild Foundation Grant

New Quantum Measurement Center Launched by Sherman Fairchild Foundation Grant

Ann Motrunich
A new grant enables construction of laboratories at Caltech that will integrate gravitational-wave science and quantum precision measurement.
tabletop optics in a laboratory
From Caltech Magazine: Notes from Afar

From Caltech Magazine: Notes from Afar

The Caltech Center for Comparative Planetary Evolution (3CPE) unites scientists in a shared mission to understand what different planets can tell us about the evolution of the cosmos and the rise of life.
The Caltech Effect: Neural Networking

The Caltech Effect: Neural Networking

The new issue focuses on the opening of the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Neuroscience Research Building, a vital new hub for interdisciplinary research on the brain.
cover art from issue 12 of The Caltech Effect, an illustration of the new Chen building on campus
2020: A Year In Review

2020: A Year In Review

Reflecting on community achievements in a year of international upheaval
Composition of images from highlighted stories throughout 2020
The Caltech Effect: Pivot Points

The Caltech Effect: Pivot Points

The new issue features scientists and engineers who have followed unexpected paths, repurposed technology, and responded nimbly to innovative ideas and urgent needs.
Caltech Effect cover
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