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2019-2020 Math Course Schedule

The list below includes all courses anticipated to run in 2019-2020, with the meeting times and locations listed for the courses offered in Winter. For information about all courses, including those not offered this year, please refer to the Caltech catalog here. Class webpages from 2018-2019 can be found here.

Dropping or Adding a Course - Please have the instructor sign your add/drop card. If the instructor is not available, please see Freddy in Room 156 of Linde Hall.

Math 1abc - Calculus of One and Several Variables and Linear Algebra

Fall     Math 1a Section 1     Dr. Gekhtman     Course Webpage

Fall     Math 1a     Dr. Ramakrishnan     Course Webpage

Winter     Math 1b - Practical     Dr. Kechris     Course Webpage

Winter     Math 1b - Analytical     Dr. Makarov     Course Webpage     

Spring     Math 1c - Practical     Dr. Flach    MWF 10:00 - 10:55 am     Course Webpage          

Spring     Math 1c - Analytical     Dr. Ni    MWF 10:00 - 10:55 am     Course Webpage           

Math 1d  - Series    

Winter     Dr. Rains     Course Webpage     

Math 2/102 - Differential Equations    

Fall     Math 2 - Practical     Dr. Wang     Course Webpage    

Fall     Math 2 - Analytical     Dr. Frank     Course Webpage    

Math 3/103 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics    

Winter     Dr. Border     Course Webpage  

Math 4/104 - Introduction to Mathematical Chaos    

Spring     Dr. Parikh      TR  10:30 -11:55 am     Course Webpage

Math 5/105 abc - Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Fall     Math 5a     Dr. Flach     Course Webpage

Winter     Math 5b     Dr. Campbell     Course Webpage 

Spring     Math 5c     Dr. Mantovan     MWF 9:00 - 9:55 am     Course Webpage 

Math/CS 6/106 abc - Introduction to Discrete Mathematics

Fall     Math 6a     Dr. Conlon     Course Webpage    

Winter     Math 6b     Dr. Shikhelman     Course Webpage 

Spring     Math 6c     Dr. Kechris     TR 1:00 - 2:25 pm     Course Webpage

Math 7/107 - Number Theory for Beginners

Spring     Dr. Xu     Course Webpage

Math 8 - Problem Solving in Calculus

Fall     Dr. Rains     Course Webpage

Math 10 - Oral Presentations

Fall     Dr. Flach     Course Webpage

Math 11 - Mathematical Writing

Dr. Ni     Course Webpage

FS/Math 12 - The Mathematics of Enzyme Kinetics

Spring     Dr. Ramakrishnan     TR 3:00 - 3:55 pm     Course Webpage

Math 13 - Problem Solving in Vector Calculus

Winter     Dr. Rains     Course Webpage 

Math 17 - How to Solve It

Fall     Dr. Rains     Course Webpage

Math 20 - Frontiers in Mathematics

Fall     Dr. Flach     Course Webpage

Math 108 abc - Classical Analysis

Fall     Math 108a     Dr. Lazebnik     Course Webpage  

Winter     Math 108b     Dr. Durcik     Course Webpage 

Spring     Math 108c     MWF 11:00 - 11:55 am     Dr. Makarov     Course Webpage 

Math 109 abc - Introduction to Geometry and Topology

Fall     Math 109a     Dr. Markovic     Course Webpage   

Winter     Math 109b     Dr. Smillie     Course Webpage

Spring     Math 109c     Dr. Chen     Course Webpage

Math 110 abc - Analysis

Fall     Math 110a     Dr. Angelopoulos     Course Webpage

Winter     Math 110b     Dr. Rains     Course Webpage

Spring     Math 110c     Dr. Durcik     MWF 11:00 - 11:55 am     Course Webpage

Math 111 abc - Topics in Analysis

Fall     Math 111a     Dr. Cuenca     Course Webpage    

Winter     Math 111b     Dr. Radziwill     Course Webpage

Spring     Math 111c     Dr. Lazebnik      TR  10:30 - 11:55 am     Course Webpage

Math 116 abc - Mathematical Logic and Axiomatic Set Theory

Fall     Math 116a     Dr. Panagiotopoulos     Course Webpage  

Winter     Math 116b     Dr. Panagiotopoulos     Course Webpage

Spring     Math 116c     Dr. Panagiotopoulos      TR  10:30 - 11:55 am     Course Webpage

Math 120 abc - Abstract Algebra

Fall     Math 120a     Dr. Ramakrishnan     Course Webpage     

Winter     Math 120b     Dr. Zhu     Course Webpage 

Spring     Math 120c     Dr. Graber      MWF 9:00 - 9:55 am     Course Webpage 

Math 121 ab - Combinatorial Analysis

Winter     Math 121a     Dr. Tyomkyn     Course Webpage

Spring     Math 121b     Dr. Conlon      TR  1:00 - 2:25 pm     Course Webpage

Math 128 - Homological Algebra

Winter     Dr. Zhu     Course Webpage

Math 130 abc - Algebraic Geometry

Fall     Math 130a     Dr. Kivinen     Course Webpage 

Winter     Math 130b     Dr. Xu     Course Webpage 

Spring     Math 130c     Dr. Campbell     MWF 1:00 - 1:55 pm     Course Webpage    

Math/ACM/IDS 140 ab (was Math 144) - Probability

Winter     Math 140a     Dr. Tamuz     Course Webpage 

Spring     Math 140b     Dr. Ouimet     Course Webpage

Math/ACM 142 - Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations

Winter     Math 142     Dr. Frank     Course Webpage 

Math 145 abc - Topics in Representation Theory

Winter     Math 145b     Dr. Kivinen     Course Webpage 

Spring     Math 145c     Dr. Cuenca    TR 10:30 - 11:55 am     Course Webpage 

Math 147ab - Dynamical Systems

Fall     Math 147a     Dr. Radziwill     Course Webpage 

Winter     Math 147b     Dr. Lazebnik     Course Webpage 

Math 148 ab - Topics in Mathematical Physics

Winter     Math 148a     Dr. Parikh    Course Webpage 

Spring     Math 148b     Dr. Makarov     MWF 10:00 - 10:55 am    Course Webpage 

Math 151 abc - Algebraic and Differential Topology

Fall     Math 151a     Dr. Markovic     Course Webpage

Winter     Math 151b     Dr. Ni     Course Webpage

Spring     Math 151c     Dr. Chen    Course Webpage 

Math 157 abc - Riemannian Geometry

Winter     Math 157a     Dr. Smillie     Course Webpage 

Math 160 abc - Number Theory

Fall     Math 160a     Dr. Burungale     Course Webpage

Winter     Math 160b     Dr. Campbell     Course Webpage 

Math 162 - Topics in Number Theory

Fall     Math 162a     Dr. Frank     Course Webpage

Winter     Math 162b     Dr. Burungale     Course Webpage

Math 191 abc - Selected Topics in Mathematics

Fall     Math 191a 

Course Descriptions

Section 1     Topics in Geometry and Topology    Dr. Chen     Course Webpage

Section 2     Geometrical Paradoxes     Dr. Kechris     Course Webpage     

Section 3     Topics in Differential Geometry     Dr. Smillie     Course Webpage

Section 4      Harmonic Analysis on Groups     Dr. Zhu     Course Webpage

Winter     Math 191b

Section 1     Dr. Durcik     Course Webpage 

Section 2    Dr. Shikhelman      Course Webpage      

Section 3    Dr. Angelopoulos     Course Webpage 

Spring     Math 191c 

Course Descriptions

Section 1     Dr. Wang      WF 10:30 - 11:55 am     Course Webpage

Section 2     Dr. Tyomkyn      MW 2:00 - 3:25 pm     Course Webpage

Section 3     Dr. Xu     Course Webpage 

Section 4    Dr. Demirel-Frank     Course Webpage