Annual Charles R. DePrima Memorial Lecture in Mathematics
2016/17 26th Annual Memorial Lecture
"Symmetry Through Geometry"
2015/16 25th Annual Memorial Lecture
"Hard Open Problems in Euclidean Geometry"
2014/15 24th Annual Memorial Lecture
Dr. David Gabai
"Poincare's work on Topology"
2013/14 23rd Annual Memorial Lecture
Dr. Tom Apostol
"Geometric Snapshots from Ancient Times to Modern Times"
2012/13 22nd Annual Memorial Lecture
Dr. Bjorn Poonen
"Undecideability in Number Theory"
2011/12 21st Annual Memorial Lecture
"Close Encounters with Tori"
2010/11 20th Annual Memorial Lecture
"The Road Coloring Problem and Symbolic Dynamics"
2009/10 19th Annual Memorial Lecture
"Zeta functions, periods, and Diophantine equations"
2008/09 18th Annual Memorial Lecture
"Tropical Mathematics"
2007/08 17th Annual Memorial Lecuture
"Extending N! to functions on the real and p-adic numbers, and their values at rational arguments"
2006/07 16th Annual Memorial Lecture
"Baseball, Shakespeare, and Modern Statistical Theory"
2005/06 15th Annual Memorial Lecture
"Birthdays, Curses and Primes "
2004/05 13th Annual Memorial Lecture
Jordan Ellenberg
"Diophantus, Fermat and Beyond"
2003/04 12th Annual Memorial Lecture
Peter Lax
"Multivariable Calculus Made Easy"
2002/03 11th Annual Memorial Lecture
Fan Chung Grahm
"Can You Hear the Shape of a Network?"
2001/02 10th Annual Memorial Lecture
Persi Diaconis
"The Mathematics of Perfect Shuffles"
2000/01 9th Annual Memorial Lecture
Robert Osserman
"The Shape of the Universe
1999/00 8th Annual Memorial Lecture
Cleve Moler
"How Math Might Save Your Life"
1998/99 7th Annual Memorial Lecture
Leonid Rudin
"Mathematical Anatomy of Video"
1997/98 6th Annual Memorial Lecture
John Todd
"Charlie DePrima and us"
1996/97 5th Annual Memorial Lecture
Cathleen S. Morawetz
"Quadratic inequalities and their magical help"
1995/96 4th Annual Memorial Lecture
Basil Gordon
"Partitions in number theory, geometry, and graphs"
1994/95 3rd Annual Memorial Lecture
Tom Apostol
"What is the most suprising result in Mathematics"
1993/94 2nd Annual Memorial Lecture
Ray Redheffer
"Information, Probability, and the Uniqueness of You and Me"
1992/93 Inaugural Memorial Lecture
Peter Lax
"Witty Mathematics"