Travel Expenses
The information below is required to obtain assistance with travel expenses during your visit:
Copy of ticket or itinerary showing the $ amount
-You may email an E-ticket or bring a copy to photocopy -International travel receipts must be in English -International travelers must provide a valid passport or visa to photocopy -Only airfare (or Amtrak) costs are reimbursable with proper receipts -We DO NOT reimburse for taxi or car rental fees, gas, food or other incidentals -Airport shuttle fees could be covered up to the maximum -You will be given a Travel Reimbursement Form (pdf) that must be completed at the time of your visit
How we share travel costs with other schools
- -West Coast universities often share one trip travel expenses to offset costs
-Typically Caltech shares costs with UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC, UCB & Stanford -International travelers may include East Coast schools in one trip -Visitors must provide an identical set of receipts to each school visited during one trip -Include airport shuttle receipts which might be covered if our portion is less than our maximum -You must inform each school department representative you wish to share travel costs -All schools included in travel cost sharing must be indicated on the Travel Reimbursement Form (doc)
How your reimbursement is processed
-We will use the information on your Program Reservation Form to set up an account -Once we have your Travel Form and receipts, your request will be submitted to our Travel Department -The Travel Department will mail your check usually within 5-7 business days after submission -Not providing proper receipts will delay the process -Not providing a complete or correct mailing address will delay the process -Not providing all schools in a one trip visit with identical receipts will delay the process -Not providing a travel form or receipts within 30 days will delay the process, your account will be closed -The physics department will not follow-up with visitors who do not provide required forms or receipts -Due to the high volume of requests, many checks may not be sent out until early May -If you do not receive your check by the end of May, send email to Physics Graduate Office
Mail receipts promptly to:
Physics Graduate Office
Caltech 103-33
Pasadena, CA 91125
or via email to the Physics Graduate Office