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Live webcast: LIGO, Virgo scientists to discuss continued search for gravitational waves

Live webcast: LIGO, Virgo scientists to discuss continued search for gravitational waves

The latest research in the effort to detect gravitational waves will be discussed in a press...
Prebiotic Molecule Found in Interstellar Cloud

Prebiotic Molecule Found in Interstellar Cloud

Lorinda Dajose
For the first time, a chiral molecule has been detected outside of our solar system. The discovery is an important step to understanding the origins of life.
Shou Receives Fellowship for Studies in Germany

Shou Receives Fellowship for Studies in Germany

Lorinda Dajose
Senior Laura Shou has received a Graduate Study Scholarship to pursue a master's degree in Germany.
The Next Big Thing

The Next Big Thing

Nehaly Shah
We talked to a handful of undergraduate and graduate students prior to commencement to find out what they think will be the next big thing in science and engineering and how their plans after graduation reflect those ideas.
Distinguished Alumnus: Eric Betzig (BS '83)

Distinguished Alumnus: Eric Betzig (BS '83)

Betzig received the award for his groundbreaking contributions to microscopy. He pioneered a method known as single-molecule microscopy, or “nanoscopy,” which allows cellular structures at the nanoscale to be observed using an optical microscope, for which he shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2014.
Kavli Prize Goes to LIGO Founders

Kavli Prize Goes to LIGO Founders

Whitney Clavin
The $1 million Kavli Prize in Astrophysics has been awarded to the three founders of LIGO.
LIGO Founders Win Shaw Prize

LIGO Founders Win Shaw Prize

Whitney Clavin
This year's Shaw Prize in Astronomy, worth $1.2 million, has been awarded to the trio of researchers who founded LIGO.
Aerial photograph of LIGO Livingston facility
A Conversation with Stevan Nadj-Perge

A Conversation with Stevan Nadj-Perge

Jessica Stoller-Conrad
A conversation with Stevan Nadj-Perge, assistant professor of applied physics and materials science, about using 2-D materials in the development of a device that could turn quantum computing concepts into usable technology.
Stevan Nadj-Perge
Ditch Day? It's Today, Frosh!

Ditch Day? It's Today, Frosh!

Ramanuj Basu
Today students celebrate Ditch Day, one of Caltech's oldest traditions.
Gilmartin Named Dean of Undergraduates

Gilmartin Named Dean of Undergraduates

Jon Nalick
On July 1, 2016, Kevin Gilmartin, professor of English, will begin serving as Caltech's dean of undergraduate students.