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Giant Exoplanet Hunters: Look for Debris Disks

Giant Exoplanet Hunters: Look for Debris Disks

Astronomers hunting for new worlds have established a possible signpost for giant exoplanets.
illustration of exoplanet and small bodies
Caltech Scientists Awarded Physics Nobel

Caltech Scientists Awarded Physics Nobel

The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics goes to key members of LIGO team.
photo of Nobel Laureates Barry Barish and Kip Thorne
Caltech's New Provost

Caltech's New Provost

David Tirrell steps into new role on campus.
LIGO & Virgo Observe Black Hole Merger

LIGO & Virgo Observe Black Hole Merger

The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo collaboration report the first joint detection of gravitational waves with both the LIGO and Virgo detectors.
aerial photo of the Virgo Observatory
Cassini End of Mission Celebration

Cassini End of Mission Celebration

Members of the Caltech and JPL community marked the end of Cassini's mission with a celebratory send-off at Beckman Auditorium.
photo of donut display at Cassini Finale event
Voyager Spacecraft Celebrates 40 Years in Space

Voyager Spacecraft Celebrates 40 Years in Space

Whitney Clavin
A new video highlights Caltech professor Ed Stone, the only person ever to have held the position of project scientist for NASA's Voyager mission.
Ed Stone
NuSTAR to Observe Solar Eclipse

NuSTAR to Observe Solar Eclipse

Lorinda Dajose
NuSTAR will use the upcoming total solar eclipse to learn about the mysteries of the sun
An image of the sun in several different colors
History in the Making

History in the Making

The Archives' most recent additions are interviews with Ahmed Zewail, the late Pauling Professor of Chemistry and professor of physics who died in August of 2016, and Harry Gray, the Beckman Professor of Chemistry.
Harry Gray and Ahmed Zewail
New Look at Jet Material from a Black Hole

New Look at Jet Material from a Black Hole

Whitney Clavin
Jet material ejected from a black hole is magnified in new observations from Caltech's Owens Valley Radio Observatory.
Image of OVRO
The Farthest—Voyager in Space

The Farthest—Voyager in Space

Robert Perkins
Key figures from the Voyager mission participated in a panel discussion and screening of the new documentary "The Farthest—Voyager In Space" on July 29.
Farthest teaser