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Plasmas Torn Apart

Plasmas Torn Apart

Marcus Woo

Using high-speed cameras to look at jets of plasma in the lab, Caltech researchers have made a discovery that may be important in understanding phenomena like solar flares and in developing nuclear fusion as a future energy source.

A Powerful New Astronomy Instrument Gets Ready for Hawaii

A Powerful New Astronomy Instrument Gets Ready for Hawaii

Marcus Woo

MOSFIRE, a new near-infrared spectrometer is now on its way to the W. M. Keck Observatory, atop Mauna Kea. The instrument will be the newest weapon in the Keck's arsenal to survey the cosmos, helping astronomers learn about star formation, galaxy formation, and the early universe.

Radio Stars

Radio Stars

Marcus Woo
Caltech's newest astronomy professor searches for cosmic radio waves.
Caltech's George Helou Honored by Home Country of Lebanon

Caltech's George Helou Honored by Home Country of Lebanon

Katie Neith

George Helou, senior research associate in physics at Caltech, has received numerous honors over the past year from his home country of Lebanon in recognition of his work in astronomy. "It is gratifying to receive these accolades from my country of origin, as an indication of the value they attach to science and education," says Helou, who is also executive director of the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC), deputy director of the Spitzer Science Center, and director of the Herschel Science Center. 


Michael Aschbacher Wins Wolf Prize in Mathematics

Michael Aschbacher Wins Wolf Prize in Mathematics

Marcus Woo

Michael Aschbacher, the Shaler Arthur Hanisch Professor of Mathematics, will share the 2012 Wolf Prize in mathematics. The award recognizes his role in classifying types of mathematical objects called finite simple groups. According to the prize citation, "His impact on the theory of finite groups is extraordinary in its breadth, depth, and beauty."

AAS Honors John Johnson for Observational Astronomical Research

AAS Honors John Johnson for Observational Astronomical Research

Allison Benter

John Johnson, assistant professor of astronomy at Caltech, has been named the recipient of the American Astronomical Society's 2012 Newton Lacy Pierce Prize, which is awarded for outstanding achievement in observational astronomical research based on measurements of radiation from an astronomical object.

John Johnson
Astronomers Release Unprecedented Data Set on Celestial Objects that Brighten and Dim

Astronomers Release Unprecedented Data Set on Celestial Objects that Brighten and Dim

Marcus Woo

Astronomers from Caltech and the University of Arizona have released the largest data set ever collected that documents the brightening and dimming of stars and other celestial objects—two hundred million in total.

Aschbacher Receives Steele Prize

Aschbacher Receives Steele Prize

Marcus Woo

Michael Aschbacher, the Shaler Arthur Hanisch Professor of Mathematics, has been awarded the 2012 Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition by the American Mathematical Society (AMS). Aschbacher, along with coauthors Richard Lyons of Rutgers University, Steve Smith of the University of Illinois at Chicago, and Ronald Solomon of Ohio State University, were recognized for a paper on the classification of certain types of groups, which are fundamental mathematical objects.



Ironing Out the Details of the Earth's Core

Ironing Out the Details of the Earth's Core

Katie Neith
A team led by mineral-physics researchers at Caltech has honed in on how iron behaves under the conditions found in Earth's core by conducting extremely high-pressure experiments.
The "Supernova of a Generation" Shows Its Stuff

The "Supernova of a Generation" Shows Its Stuff

Marcus Woo

It was the brightest and closest stellar explosion seen from Earth in 25 years, dazzling professional and backyard astronomers alike. Now, thanks to this rare discovery—which some have called the "supernova of a generation"—astronomers have the most detailed picture yet of how this kind of explosion happens. Known as a Type Ia supernova, this type of blast is an essential tool that allows scientists to measure the expansion of the universe and understand the very nature of the cosmos.