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Monday, January 6
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Lauritsen 469
Jets without Jets
  • Jesse Thaler, MIT,
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4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
East Bridge 114
Observation of Floquet-Bloch States on the Surface of a Topological Insulator
  • Nuh Gedik, Professor, MIT,
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Tuesday, January 7
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Noyes 153 (J. Holmes Sturdivant Lecture Hall)
Is the simplest chemical reaction really so simple?
  • Richard N. Zare, Marguerite Wilbur Professor in Natural Science, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University,
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Wednesday, January 8
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Cahill, Hameetman Auditorium
The evolution of obscured accretion probed by deep and hard X-ray surveys
  • Andrea Comastri, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna,
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Thursday, January 9
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
East Bridge 201 (Richard P. Feynman Lecture Hall)
The Birth, Care, and Feeding of Cat States in Circuit QED: Quantum Jumps of Photon Parity
  • Robert Schoelkopf, Sterling Professor of Applied Physics and Physics, Yale University,
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Friday, January 10
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Lauritsen 469
The Geometry of Supersymmetric Partition Functions
  • Thomas Dumitrescu, Princeton,
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