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NASA Selects UVEX Mission Proposal for Further Study

NASA Selects UVEX Mission Proposal for Further Study

NASA has selected the the UltraViolet EXplorer (UVEX), led by Caltech's Fiona Harrison, for further study.
Ultraviolet light is seen in blue in this picture of Barnard's Galaxy.
NASA Astronaut Jessica Watkins Holds a Q&A from Space

NASA Astronaut Jessica Watkins Holds a Q&A from Space

Omar Shamout
The former Caltech postdoc answered questions from the Caltech community live from the International Space Station
Jessica Watkins Q&A event in Ramo Auditorium on August 9, 2022.
A Test Chamber for NASA's New Cosmic Mapmaker Makes a Dramatic Entrance

A Test Chamber for NASA's New Cosmic Mapmaker Makes a Dramatic Entrance

Calla Cofield of JPL
The SPHEREx space telescope will create a 3-D map of the entire sky. Its cutting-edge instruments require a custom-built chamber to make sure they're ready to operate in space.
SPHEREx hardware being lowered into a basement lab.
Caltech Mourns the Passing of Thomas G. Phillips

Caltech Mourns the Passing of Thomas G. Phillips

Whitney Clavin
Thomas G. Phillips, the John D. MacArthur Professor of Physics, Emeritus, passed away on August 6, 2022. He was 85.
Tom Phillips
Caltech Submillimeter Observatory Decommissioning Receives Final Permits and Selects Contractors

Caltech Submillimeter Observatory Decommissioning Receives Final Permits and Selects Contractors

Caltech has received the necessary permits to begin the physical deconstruction of the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO) in Hawai‘i.
Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
Maria Spiropulu to Co-Chair National Academies' Elementary Particle Physics Committee

Maria Spiropulu to Co-Chair National Academies' Elementary Particle Physics Committee

The National Academies are launching a new study to set a vision for the field of particle physics in the next decade and beyond.
Maria Spiropulu
A Guided Tour of a Galactic Quintet

A Guided Tour of a Galactic Quintet

Whitney Clavin
In this video, Philip Appleton, a staff scientist at Caltech's IPAC astronomy center, walks us through the new JWST image of Stephan's Quintet.
A group of colorful galaxies in space
An Ocean of Galaxies Awaits

An Ocean of Galaxies Awaits

Whitney Clavin
New COMAP radio survey will peer beneath the "tip of the iceberg" of galaxies to unveil a hidden era of star formation.
Photo of COMAP's radio dish
What Comes After the Higgs Boson

What Comes After the Higgs Boson

Cynthia Eller
Ten years after the discovery of the elusive Higgs boson, Caltech scientists ponder what comes next
Cosmic Radio Pulses Probe Hidden Matter Around Galaxies

Cosmic Radio Pulses Probe Hidden Matter Around Galaxies

Whitney Clavin
Caltech researchers show that "fast radio bursts" are slowed down by giant unseen halos around nearby galaxies
Halo 5