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Watson Lecture: Shri Kulkarni Discusses Scanning the Night Sky

Watson Lecture: Shri Kulkarni Discusses Scanning the Night Sky

Katie Neith
In this Watson Lecture, Shri Kulkarni, Zwicky Transient Facility's principal investigator and the George Ellery Hale Professor of Astronomy and Planetary Science, will discuss the history and development of ZTF, a public-private partnership aimed at the systematic exploration of the optical night sky.
Image of Shri Kulkarni in purple shirt and grey blazer in front of fountain
Tilted Orbits

Tilted Orbits

Whitney Clavin
How the orbital inclinations of brown dwarfs reveal clues about their formation.
Artwork of a glowing hot Jupiter planet
Telescope Dismantled and Heading to New Mission in Chile

Telescope Dismantled and Heading to New Mission in Chile

Whitney Clavin
The venerable mirror of the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory has been transported down Maunakea, where it awaits shipment to Chile for a new mission.
Lifting of the primary mirror truss off the telescope base.
W. M. Keck Observatory Appoints Rich Matsuda as Director

W. M. Keck Observatory Appoints Rich Matsuda as Director

International search confirms local-born executive to lead the Observatory.
Rich Matsuda
Entanglement to the Rescue

Entanglement to the Rescue

Whitney Clavin
Scientists propose new method to search for deviations from the Standard Model of physics
Artwork depicting entangled molecules.
LIGO Surpasses the Quantum Limit

LIGO Surpasses the Quantum Limit

Whitney Clavin
Researchers have achieved a landmark in quantum squeezing.
Picture of the source of squeezed light at LIGO, after it was pumped with green light.
A Solar "Radio Eclipse" Ring of Fire

A Solar "Radio Eclipse" Ring of Fire

Julia Ehlert
Owens Valley Radio Observatory captures radio data of solar eclipse with newly upgraded Long Wavelength Array
Top row: Radio images of the October 14 solar eclipse observed by OVRO-LWA show a
A New Way to Erase Quantum Computer Errors

A New Way to Erase Quantum Computer Errors

Whitney Clavin
Researchers have made the first demonstrations of identifying and removing "erasure" errors
Artwork showing a quantum error glowing in an array of atoms.
Physicists Find Evidence for Magnetically Bound Excitons

Physicists Find Evidence for Magnetically Bound Excitons

Whitney Clavin
"Hubbard excitons" could lead to novel technologies
Artist's concept of Hubbard excitons.
Cosmic Web Lights Up in the Darkness of Space

Cosmic Web Lights Up in the Darkness of Space

Whitney Clavin
Keck Cosmic Web Imager offers best glimpse yet of the filamentous network that connects galaxies
3-D picture of the cosmic web.