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Magnetism Drives Metals to Insulators in New Experiment

Magnetism Drives Metals to Insulators in New Experiment

Whitney Clavin
New study provides tools to probe novel spintronic devices.
An illustration of domains divided by a domain wall.
Small Telescopes, Big Science

Small Telescopes, Big Science

Whitney Clavin
A quest to open up the dynamic, infrared sky begins.
Gattin Telescope
The Shape of Star Explosions

The Shape of Star Explosions

Whitney Clavin
New polarization instrument at Palomar Observatory delivers first results.
Palomar's 200-inch Hale Telescope.
The Caltech Effect: Neural Networking

The Caltech Effect: Neural Networking

The new issue focuses on the opening of the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Neuroscience Research Building, a vital new hub for interdisciplinary research on the brain.
cover art from issue 12 of The Caltech Effect, an illustration of the new Chen building on campus
2020: A Year In Review

2020: A Year In Review

Reflecting on community achievements in a year of international upheaval
Composition of images from highlighted stories throughout 2020
A Magnificent Burst from Within Our Galaxy

A Magnificent Burst from Within Our Galaxy

Whitney Clavin
Graduate student Chris Bochenek's STARE2 project catches a whopper of a radio burst.
Photo composite of STARE2 under fish-eye sky
From Caltech Magazine: Tales of Spitzer Space Telescope

From Caltech Magazine: Tales of Spitzer Space Telescope

Earlier this year, Spitzer Space Telescope was officially retired after 16 years in orbit, leaving behind a trove of memories for hundreds of people involved in its trailblazing mission.
illustration of the Spitzer Space Telescope
First Asteroid Found Inside Orbit of Venus

First Asteroid Found Inside Orbit of Venus

Whitney Clavin
ZTF has discovered an asteroid that circles the sun every 151 days.
Photo of the 48-inch Samuel Oschin Telescope
Measuring the Minute Wobbles of Stars

Measuring the Minute Wobbles of Stars

Whitney Clavin
A new instrument aims to detect tiny stellar motions caused by the tug of Earth-mass planets
A portion of NEID, called the port adaptor, is seen here on the WIYN telescope.
LIGO-Virgo Network Catches Another Neutron Star Collision

LIGO-Virgo Network Catches Another Neutron Star Collision

Whitney Clavin
A pair of neutron stars has been found with an unusually high mass
Artwork of the neutron star merger