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Moore Foundation Funds Caltech Research in Experimental Physics

Moore Foundation Funds Caltech Research in Experimental Physics

Whitney Clavin
David Hsieh and Manuel Endres selected as part of initiative's first cohort.
Manuel Endres and David Hsieh
Caltech Alum Wins Nobel Prize in Physics

Caltech Alum Wins Nobel Prize in Physics

Whitney Clavin
John Clauser shares the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics for his first experimental proof of entanglement.
John Clauser (BS' 64) is a co-recipient of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics
Caltech Physicists Win New Horizons in Physics Prize

Caltech Physicists Win New Horizons in Physics Prize

Whitney Clavin
David Simmons-Duffin and Manuel Endres receive prizes for work in fundamental physics.
Manuel Endres and David Simmons-Duffin
Caltech Introduces New Named Professors and Leadership Chairs

Caltech Introduces New Named Professors and Leadership Chairs

Since the start of the 2022 calendar year, Caltech has recognized five faculty members with the Institute's most distinguished award for individual faculty—named professorships for early career and tenured faculty—and awarded two faculty members with leadership chairs associated with administrative positions.
photo of Parsons-Gates Hall of Administration
Three Caltech Professors Named 2022 Sloan Fellows

Three Caltech Professors Named 2022 Sloan Fellows

Whitney Clavin
Three Caltech professors have been awarded 2022 Sloan Research Fellowships.
Katerina Chatziioannou, Maxwell Robb, and Lu Wei
Jenny Wan Named Churchill Scholar

Jenny Wan Named Churchill Scholar

Whitney Clavin
Scholarship will fund her first year of studies at University of Cambridge.
Jenny Wan
Saul Teukolsky Receives Dirac Medal

Saul Teukolsky Receives Dirac Medal

Whitney Clavin
Saul Teukolsky and colleagues honored for theoretical work on black holes.
Saul Teukolsky
Caltech Names Its 2021 Distinguished Alumni Award Recipients

Caltech Names Its 2021 Distinguished Alumni Award Recipients

Lori Oliwenstein
Caltech has awarded the Institute’s highest honor, the Distinguished Alumni Award, to four alumni in recognition of personal and professional accomplishments.
collage of four headshot photos
Xie Chen Wins Simons Investigator Award

Xie Chen Wins Simons Investigator Award

Whitney Clavin
As a Simons Investigator, Xie Chen will explore novel quantum patterns in materials.
From Caltech Magazine: Crossing Paths

From Caltech Magazine: Crossing Paths

The two most recent Nobel Prize-winning Caltech alumni talk with a fellow alum about their work, their campus experiences, and life after Caltech.
Nobel Prize medallion and partial torch from Caltech seal