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Lensless Camera

Lensless Camera

Robert Perkins
Engineers have built a camera that does not need lenses to focus light.
The OPA chip placed on a penny for scale
The 2017 Library Thesis Prize

The 2017 Library Thesis Prize

Lorinda Dajose
Senior Daniel Lim has received the 2017 Library Friends' Senior Thesis Prize for his work on sculpting nanofilms with laser illumination.
Soon Wei Daniel Lim
New "Species" of Exoplanets Illuminated

New "Species" of Exoplanets Illuminated

Whitney Clavin
In a new Caltech-led study, researchers have classified exoplanets in much the same way that biologists identify new animal species.
Family tree of exoplanets
Q&A with Planet Hunter Andrew Howard

Q&A with Planet Hunter Andrew Howard

Whitney Clavin
New professor of astronomy Andrew Howard discusses the diversity of exoplanets and the search for an Earth-like world.
Andrew Howard
Father of Keck Telescope Passes Away

Father of Keck Telescope Passes Away

Whitney Clavin
Caltech alumnus Jerry Nelson was the principal designer for the W. M. Keck Observatory—the world's largest observatory atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii.
Jerry Nelson
The Art of Exoplanets

The Art of Exoplanets

Whitney Clavin
Caltech space artists Robert Hurt and Tim Pyle help scientists imagine the exotic landscapes of other worlds.
image of the surface of TRAPPIST-1f
JPL News: Flares from Brown Dwarfs

JPL News: Flares from Brown Dwarfs

Data from the Caltech-led GALEX mission allowed researchers to study the flares from cool dwarf stars.
Illustration of red dwarf with planet
LIGO Detects Gravitational Waves for Third Time

LIGO Detects Gravitational Waves for Third Time

Whitney Clavin
Newest LIGO observation provides clues about the spins, and possible origins, of binary black holes.
Artist concept of merging black holes
Origami … in Space!

Origami … in Space!

Manan Arya (PhD ’16) had a space problem with a novel solution.
Manan Arya (PhD ’16)
Oxygen Mystery on Comets Explained

Oxygen Mystery on Comets Explained

Whitney Clavin
Chemical engineer Konstantinos P. Giapis has figured out a nagging mystery in space—how molecular oxygen is produced on comets.
Diagram showing how molecular oxygen is created