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Three Faculty Elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Three Faculty Elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Lori Dajose
Alexei Kitaev, Ellen Rothenberg, and Anneila Sargent (MS '67, PhD '77) have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences, in a year where a record number of women have been elected.
Biophysicist Ibrahim Cissé Awarded Vilcek Prize

Biophysicist Ibrahim Cissé Awarded Vilcek Prize

Whitney Clavin
Professor of Physics Ibrahim Cissé has been named one of the 2021 recipients of the Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Biomedical Science.
Ibrahim Cissé
David Hsieh Receives Inaugural Brown Investigator Award

David Hsieh Receives Inaugural Brown Investigator Award

Whitney Clavin
The Brown Science Foundation has bestowed one of two inaugural Brown Investigator Awards to Professor of Physics David Hsieh.
A portrait of David Hsieh
Caltech Professors Receive Sloan Research Fellowships

Caltech Professors Receive Sloan Research Fellowships

Whitney Clavin
Two Caltech faculty members have been awarded Sloan Research Fellowships for 2021: Nick Hutzler, assistant professor of physics, and Wei Gao, assistant professor of medical engineering.
Photos of Wei Gao and Nick Hutzler
LIGO and Virgo to Receive IEEE Milestone Plaques

LIGO and Virgo to Receive IEEE Milestone Plaques

Whitney Clavin
On February 3, 2021, the IEEE will host an online event to bestow its Milestone awards to the gravitational-wave observatories of LIGO and Virgo.
LIGO Hanford, LIGO Livingston and Virgo.
2020: A Year In Review

2020: A Year In Review

Reflecting on community achievements in a year of international upheaval
Composition of images from highlighted stories throughout 2020
Research Professor Sean Carroll, Trustee David Chavez (BS '96), and 10 Additional Alumni Elected to the AAAS

Research Professor Sean Carroll, Trustee David Chavez (BS '96), and 10 Additional Alumni Elected to the AAAS

Whitney Clavin
Sean Carroll, a research professor of physics at Caltech and communicator of science, trustee David Chavez (BS '96), and 10 additional Caltech alumni have been elected as fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Sean Carroll (left) and Trustee David Chavez (BS '96)
Saul Teukolsky Awarded 2021 Einstein Prize

Saul Teukolsky Awarded 2021 Einstein Prize

Whitney Clavin
The American Physical Society's 2021 Einstein Prize goes to physics professor Saul Teukolsky.
Saul Teukolsky
Alumna Andrea Ghez Awarded 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics

Alumna Andrea Ghez Awarded 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics

Whitney Clavin
Andrea Ghez wins Nobel Prize in Physics for research demonstrating the presence of a supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way galaxy.
Andrea Ghez
Kathryn Zurek Wins Simons Investigator Award

Kathryn Zurek Wins Simons Investigator Award

Whitney Clavin
Physicist who studies dark matter named a 2020 Simons Investigator.
Kathryn Zurek