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Cosmic Web Imager Directly Observes "Dim Matter"

Cosmic Web Imager Directly Observes "Dim Matter"

Cynthia Eller
Caltech astronomers have taken unprecedented images of the intergalactic medium (IGM)—the diffuse gas that connects galaxies throughout the universe—with the Cosmic Web Imager.
Jamie Bock Wins George W. Goddard Award

Jamie Bock Wins George W. Goddard Award

Brian Bell
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Reflecting on BICEP2

Reflecting on BICEP2

Allison Benter
Caltech professor of physics Jamie Bock, co–principal investigator for BICEP2 and the chief architect of the telescope's detectors, described the finding as "mind-boggling."
Jamie Bock to Speak on BICEP2 Experiment

Jamie Bock to Speak on BICEP2 Experiment

Cynthia Eller
On March 20, 2014, Jamie Bock will give a talk on the BICEP2 experiment and its recent detection of B-mode polarization indicating the effect of gravitational waves on the cosmic microwave background.
Building BICEP2: A Conversation with Jamie Bock

Building BICEP2: A Conversation with Jamie Bock

Cynthia Eller
Jamie Bock and his collaborators announced that they have successfully measured a B-mode polarization signal in the cosmic microwave background using the BICEP2 telescope at the South Pole.
Jamie Bock
BICEP2 Discovers First Direct Evidence of Inflation and Primordial Gravitational Waves

BICEP2 Discovers First Direct Evidence of Inflation and Primordial Gravitational Waves

Cynthia Eller
Astronomers announced today that they have acquired the strongest confirmation yet of cosmic inflation theories, which say the universe expanded by 100 trillion trillion times in less than the blink of an eye.
Theoretical Physicist Wins Feynman Prize for Excellence in Teaching

Theoretical Physicist Wins Feynman Prize for Excellence in Teaching

Cynthia Eller
Steven C. Frautschi, professor of theoretical physics, emeritus, at Caltech, has been awarded the Richard P. Feynman Prize for Excellence in Teaching—Caltech's most prestigious teaching honor.
Detection of Water Vapor in the Atmosphere of a Hot Jupiter

Detection of Water Vapor in the Atmosphere of a Hot Jupiter

Jessica Stoller-Conrad
Researchers at Caltech and several other institutions have made the first detection of water in the atmosphere of a Jupiter-mass planet orbiting the nearby star tau Boötis.
NuSTAR Reveals Radioactive Matter in Supernova Remnant

NuSTAR Reveals Radioactive Matter in Supernova Remnant

Kimm Fesenmaier
For the first time, NuSTAR has mapped radioactive material from the core of a supernova explosion.
2014 Sloan Research Fellows

2014 Sloan Research Fellows

Brian Bell
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