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LIGO Founders Win Shaw Prize

LIGO Founders Win Shaw Prize

Whitney Clavin
This year's Shaw Prize in Astronomy, worth $1.2 million, has been awarded to the trio of researchers who founded LIGO.
Aerial photograph of LIGO Livingston facility
LIGO Team Receives Cosmology Prize

LIGO Team Receives Cosmology Prize

Lorinda Dajose
Caltech's Drever and Thorne receive the Gruber Cosmology Prize for their role in discovering gravitational waves.
LIGO Team Awarded Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics

LIGO Team Awarded Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics

The Selection Committee of the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics has announced a Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics recognizing the scientists and engineers who contributed to the detection of gravitational waves by LIGO.
Students and Postdocs Helped Make Sure LIGO Was Listening

Students and Postdocs Helped Make Sure LIGO Was Listening

Kimm Fesenmaier
A number of Caltech graduate students and postdocs played pivotal roles in getting the twin LIGO interferometers operating with the sensitivity to detect the first signals of gravitational waves.
The Thunder of Gravity in the Cosmos

The Thunder of Gravity in the Cosmos

Lorinda Dajose
Caltech professor of physics Rana Adhikari will describe how our understanding of the quantum physics of the very, very small has allowed us to explore the gravitational physics of the very, very large.
Rana Adhikari
LIGO Panel - Our New Window on the Universe

LIGO Panel - Our New Window on the Universe

Lorinda Dajose
Scientists reflect on the history, the detection, the science, and the future of the field of gravitational wave astronomy.
LIGO-India Gets Green Light

LIGO-India Gets Green Light

Kathy Svitil
The Indian Cabinet has granted in-principle approval to the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory in India (LIGO-India) Project. The project will build an Advanced LIGO Observatory in India, a move that will significantly improve the ability of scientists to pinpoint the sources of gravitational waves and analyze the signals.
LIGO has opened a new window on the universe with the observation of gravitational waves from colliding black holes.

LIGO has opened a new window on the universe with the observation of gravitational waves from colliding black holes.

LIGO has opened a new window on the universe with the observation of gravitational waves from colliding black holes.
artist's conception of the merger of two black holes
LIGO's Beginnings

LIGO's Beginnings

Douglas Smith
Built to look for gravitational waves, the ripples in the fabric of space itself that were predicted by Einstein in 1915, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) is the most ambitious project ever funded by the National Science Foundation. We talk to two Caltech researchers to learn about how LIGO came to be.
Einstein's Prediction Confirmed by LIGO

Einstein's Prediction Confirmed by LIGO

Kathy Svitil
LIGO opens a new window on the universe with the observation of gravitational waves from colliding black holes.