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Survey of Early Universe Uncovers Mature Galaxy Eight Times More Massive Than Milky Way

Survey of Early Universe Uncovers Mature Galaxy Eight Times More Massive Than Milky Way

A massive galaxy seen when the universe was only 800 million years old has been discovered by teams of astronomers using NASA's Spitzer and Hubble Space Telescopes.
Most Distant Explosion in Universe Detected; Smashes Previous Record

Most Distant Explosion in Universe Detected; Smashes Previous Record

Robert Tindol

Scientists using the NASA Swift satellite and several ground-based telescopes, including Palomar Observatory's robotic 60-inch telescope, have detected the most distant explosion yet, a gamma-ray burst from the edge of the visible universe.

Work Continues on the Solar System's Three Recently Discovered Objects

Work Continues on the Solar System's Three Recently Discovered Objects

Robert Tindol

When planetary scientists announced on July 29 that they had discovered a new planet larger than Pluto, the news overshadowed the two other objects the group had also found. But all three objects are odd additions to the solar system, and as such could revolutionize our understanding of how our part of the celestial neighborhood evolved.

Planetary Scientists Discover Tenth Planet

Planetary Scientists Discover Tenth Planet

A planet larger than Pluto has been discovered in the outlying regions of the solar system with the Samuel Oschin Telescope at Palomar Observatory, California Institute of Technology planetary scientist Mike Brown announced today.
KamLAND Detector Provides New Way to Study Heat from Radioactive Materials Within Earth

KamLAND Detector Provides New Way to Study Heat from Radioactive Materials Within Earth

Robert Tindol
Much of the heat within our planet is caused by the radioactive decay of the elements uranium and thorium. Now, an international team of particle physicists using a special detector in Japan has demonstrated a novel method of measuring that radioactive heat.
Deep Impact: During and After Impact

Deep Impact: During and After Impact

Astronomers using the Palomar Observatory's 200-inch Hale Telescope have been amazed by comet Tempel 1's behavior during and after its collision with the Deep Impact space probe.

Researchers devise plasma experiment that shows how astrophysical jets are formed

Researchers devise plasma experiment that shows how astrophysical jets are formed

Applied physicists at the California Institute of Technology have devised a plasma experiment that shows how huge long, thin jets of material shoot out from exotic astrophysical objects such as young stars, black holes, and galactic nuclei.
Andromeda Galaxy Three Times Bigger in Diameter Than Previously Thought

Andromeda Galaxy Three Times Bigger in Diameter Than Previously Thought

Robert Tindol

Scott Chapman, from the California Institute of Technology, and Rodrigo Ibata, from the Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg in France, have led a team of astronomers in a project to map out the detailed motions of stars in the outskirts of the Andromeda galaxy. Their recent observations with the Keck telescopes show that the tenuous sprinkle of stars extending outward from the galaxy are actually part of the main disk itself.

Research on Sumatran Earthquakes Uncovers New Mysteries about Workings of Earth

Research on Sumatran Earthquakes Uncovers New Mysteries about Workings of Earth

Robert Tindol
The Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of December 26 was an unmitigated human disaster. But three new papers by an international group of experts show that the huge data return could help scientists better understand extremely large earthquakes and the disastrous tsunamis that can be associated with them.
Caltech Physics Team Invents DeviceFor Weighing Individual Molecules

Caltech Physics Team Invents DeviceFor Weighing Individual Molecules

Robert Tindol
Physicists at the California Institute of Technology have created the first nanodevices capable of weighing individual biological molecules. This technology may lead to new forms of molecular identification that are cheaper and faster than existing methods, as well as revolutionary new instruments for proteomics.