Thomas Wolff Memorial Lectures in Mathematics
The Thomas Wolff lectures were established by the family of Thomas Wolff to honor his memory. Professor Wolff, a talented and insightful analyst, spent 18 years at Caltech nurturing the talents of young mathematicians. The Institute is privileged to honor his memory with a series of lectures each year by an outstanding mathematician working in analysis.
"Random planar curves"
"Random surfaces"
"Liouville quantum gravity and SLE"
"Gap and Type problems in Fourier analysis"
"Dynamics of Quadratic Polynomials, Complex and Real"
"Renormalization and Universality"
"Regular or Stochastic Dichotomy"
"Advances towards MLC"
"Area and Hausdorff Dimension of Julia Sets"
"Sets of Measure Zero and the Converse to Rademacher's Theorem: Part 1"
"Sets of Measure Zero and the Converse to Rademacher's Theorem: Part 2"
"New Results of Bounded, Complete Minimal Surfaces"
"Regularity for the Monge-Ampère equation, with applications to the semigeostrophic equations"
"Random Walks and their Scaling Limits"
"Universality of random matrices"
"Dyson Brownian Motion and the proof of Wigner-Dyson-Gaudin-Mehta conjecture"
"Coulomb Gases and De Giorgi-Nash-Moser theory of parabolic regularity"
"Discrete Complex Analysis and Probability"
"Invariant manifolds and dispersive Hamiltonian evolution equations"
"Integrable systems: a modern view"
"The algebra and geometry of random surfaces"
"Renormalization and quasiperiodicity in some low-dimensional dynamical systems"
"Freiman's Theorem"
"Gowers Norms and Nilsequence"
"Arithmetic Progressions"
"Patterns of Primes"
"Equidistribution, groups and primes"
"Two-dimensional continuous random systems"
"New encounters in combinatorial number theory"
"Longtime behavior of semilinear dispersive equations"
"Sharp fronts for incompressible fluids"