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NSF Research Fellowships Awarded to Caltech Students and Alumni

NSF Research Fellowships Awarded to Caltech Students and Alumni

Cynthia Eller
Graduate Research Fellowships from the National Science Foundation have been granted to 24 Caltech students and 17 recent Caltech alumni.
students on Caltech campus
Caltech Scientists Elected 2023 AAAS Fellows

Caltech Scientists Elected 2023 AAAS Fellows

Whitney Clavin
Lynne Hillenbrand, Anneila Sargent, and Joseph Giaime have been named 2023 AAAS Fellows.
Joseph Giaime, Lynne Hillenbrand, and Anneila Sargent
Caltech Professors Win 2024 Sloan Fellowships

Caltech Professors Win 2024 Sloan Fellowships

Whitney Clavin
Katie Bouman, Lee McCuller, Vikram Ravi, and Antoine Song have been awarded the Sloan Research Fellowship.
Katie Bouman, Lee McCuller, Vikram Ravi, and Antoine Song.
Phil Hopkins Named Simons Investigator

Phil Hopkins Named Simons Investigator

Whitney Clavin
Phil Hopkins has been named a 2023 Simons Investigator, an honor that comes with $150,000 in research support per year for five years.
Phil Hopkins
Voyager Scientist Celebrates 50 Years at Caltech

Voyager Scientist Celebrates 50 Years at Caltech

Julia Ehlert
Alan Cummings (PhD ‘73), senior research scientist in the Space Radiation Laboratory, is recognized for 50 years of service to Caltech.
Alan Cummings
Caltech Introduces New Leadership Chairs and Named Professorships

Caltech Introduces New Leadership Chairs and Named Professorships

This year, Caltech recognized three faculty members with leadership chairs and 13 with named professorships.
Two Faculty Awarded 2023 Guggenheim Fellowships

Two Faculty Awarded 2023 Guggenheim Fellowships

Alyce Torrice
Computer scientist Anima Anandkumar and physicist Hirosi Ooguri received the prestigious award, with funds to pursue their research
Headshots of Ooguri and Anandkumar
Three Caltech Grad Students and Two Alumni Named Quad Fellows

Three Caltech Grad Students and Two Alumni Named Quad Fellows

Julia Ehlert
Caltech graduate students Rikuto Fukumori, Gordon Li, and Ryoto Sekine and alumni Shubh Agrawal (BS ’22) and Kavya Sreedhar (BS ’19) have been named to the inaugural class of the Quad Fellowship.
Ryoto Sekine
Undergraduate Majoring in Math and Computer Science Named Marshall Scholar

Undergraduate Majoring in Math and Computer Science Named Marshall Scholar

Emily Velasco
Laura Lewis has received one of the United Kingdom’s most prestigious scholarships and will study at both Cambridge and the University of Edinburgh.
A portrait of Laura Lewis.
2022 Year in Review

2022 Year in Review

As the end of 2022 quickly approaches, Caltech News looks back at our coverage of the research, discoveries, events, and experiences that shaped the Institute. Here are some highlights.
2022 Year in Review collage