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Chorus of Black Holes Radiates X-Rays

Chorus of Black Holes Radiates X-Rays

Whitney Clavin
The NuSTAR mission is identifying which black holes erupt with the highest-energy X-rays.
More Than 100 New Planets Confirmed

More Than 100 New Planets Confirmed

Using data from NASA's Kepler spacecraft, scientists have confirmed 104 planets outside of our solar system.
High School Students Hunt for Pulsars

High School Students Hunt for Pulsars

Lorinda Dajose
Caltech's partnership in the Pulsar Search Collaboratory offers local high school students the opportunity to conduct astronomy research.
Math and Physics Professors Named Simons Investigators

Math and Physics Professors Named Simons Investigators

Lorinda Dajose
Anton Kapustin and Vladimir Markovic will each be awarded $100,000 annually for five years as part of the fellowship.
Newborn Exoplanet Discovered

Newborn Exoplanet Discovered

Lorinda Dajose
The discovery of an exoplanet that is essentially still in its infancy is an important step to understanding how planets, including the Earth, form.
Gravitational Waves Detected a Second Time

Gravitational Waves Detected a Second Time

The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo collaboration identify a second gravitational wave event in the data from Advanced LIGO detectors.
illustration of gravitational waves
Live Webcast: Ligo, Virgo Scientists to Discuss Continued Search for Gravitational Waves

Live Webcast: Ligo, Virgo Scientists to Discuss Continued Search for Gravitational Waves

The latest research in the effort to detect gravitational waves will be discussed in a press briefing on Wednesday, June 15.
Prebiotic Molecule Found in Interstellar Cloud

Prebiotic Molecule Found in Interstellar Cloud

Lorinda Dajose
For the first time, a chiral molecule has been detected outside of our solar system. The discovery is an important step to understanding the origins of life.
Kavli Prize Goes to LIGO Founders

Kavli Prize Goes to LIGO Founders

Whitney Clavin
The $1 million Kavli Prize in Astrophysics has been awarded to the three founders of LIGO.
LIGO Founders Win Shaw Prize

LIGO Founders Win Shaw Prize

Whitney Clavin
This year's Shaw Prize in Astronomy, worth $1.2 million, has been awarded to the trio of researchers who founded LIGO.
Aerial photograph of LIGO Livingston facility