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Caltech Astronomer Receives Dan David Prize

Caltech Astronomer Receives Dan David Prize

Whitney Clavin
Caltech's Shri Kulkarni will share the 2017 Dan David Prize with the late Neil Gehrels (PhD '82) and Andrzej Udalski.
photo of Shrinivas (Shri) Kulkarni
NAS Honors LIGO Researchers

NAS Honors LIGO Researchers

Whitney Clavin
The National Academy of Sciences is honoring five members of the LIGO team with two distinguished prizes.
aerial photo of the LIGO facility in Livingston, Lousiana
2017 Pierce Prize Goes to Evan Kirby

2017 Pierce Prize Goes to Evan Kirby

Whitney Clavin
Evan Kirby has won the Newton Lacy Pierce Prize in Astronomy, an annual award presented by the American Astronomical Society.
Evan Kirby
Director of NSF Visits Caltech

Director of NSF Visits Caltech

Whitney Clavin
France Córdova, director of the National Science Foundation (NSF), recently met with students and researchers at Caltech, and gave a talk about the NSF.
France Cordova
Harvey Newman Receives Department of Energy Award

Harvey Newman Receives Department of Energy Award

Whitney Clavin
Caltech's Harvey Newman has been granted a lifetime achievement award by the Department of Energy (DOE), Office of High Energy Physics.
Harvey Newman
Three from Caltech Elected as AAAS Fellows

Three from Caltech Elected as AAAS Fellows

Lorinda Dajose
LIGO scientists and a synthetic biology professor are recognized for their efforts in advancing science.
the words
Caltech Physicist Wins Buckley Prize

Caltech Physicist Wins Buckley Prize

Whitney Clavin
Alexei Kitaev has been awarded the American Physics Society's 2017 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize.
photo of Alexei Kitaev
Hirosi Ooguri on Science Communication

Hirosi Ooguri on Science Communication

Whitney Clavin
Hirosi Ooguri recently served as a science advisor for The Man from 9 Dimensions, a 3-dimensional dome movie that follows scientists on a search for a "theory of everything."
Lifetime of Numbers: Q&A with Barry Simon

Lifetime of Numbers: Q&A with Barry Simon

Whitney Clavin
A special math conference is being held this month in honor of Barry Simon's 70th birthday.
Fiona Harrison Honored with Massey Award

Fiona Harrison Honored with Massey Award

Whitney Clavin
Fiona Harrison, principal investigator of NASA's NuSTAR mission, has been selected to receive the 2016 Massey Award.
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