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Caltech Astronomers Crack the Puzzle of Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts

Caltech Astronomers Crack the Puzzle of Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts

Robert Tindol
A team of Caltech astronomers has pinpointed a gamma-ray burst several billion light-years away from the Milky Way. The team was following up on a discovery made by the Italian/Dutch satellite BeppoSAX.
Caltech Astronomer Obtains Data That Could Resolve the "Age Problem"

Caltech Astronomer Obtains Data That Could Resolve the "Age Problem"

Robert Tindol
Dr. Neill Reid, using information collected by the European Space Agency's Hipparcos satellite, has determined that a key distance measure used to compute the age of certain Milky Way stars is off by 10 to 15 percent. The new data leads to the conclusion that the oldest stars are actually 11 to 13 billion years old, rather than 16 to 18 billion years old, as had been thought.
Stephen Hawking Makes Good On a Bet

Stephen Hawking Makes Good On a Bet

Robert Tindol
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Caltech Astronomers Obtain the Most Detailed Infared Image of the Environment of an Active Black Hole

Caltech Astronomers Obtain the Most Detailed Infared Image of the Environment of an Active Black Hole

Robert Tindol
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