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In Memoriam, Simon "Si" Ramo, 1913‑2016

In Memoriam, Simon "Si" Ramo, 1913‑2016

Alumnus and life member of the Board of Trustees Simon "Si" Ramo (PhD '36), a founding giant of the aerospace industry and chief architect of the nation's intercontinental ballistic missile system, passed away on June 27, 2016. He was 103.
Kavli Prize Goes to LIGO Founders

Kavli Prize Goes to LIGO Founders

Whitney Clavin
The $1 million Kavli Prize in Astrophysics has been awarded to the three founders of LIGO.
Gilmartin Named Dean of Undergraduates

Gilmartin Named Dean of Undergraduates

Jon Nalick
On July 1, 2016, Kevin Gilmartin, professor of English, will begin serving as Caltech's dean of undergraduate students.
Gift to Spark Powerful New Projects

Gift to Spark Powerful New Projects

Caltech leaders announced today two new funds that will provide flexible resources to support top priorities and launch bold academic endeavors.
LIGO Panel - Our New Window on the Universe

LIGO Panel - Our New Window on the Universe

Lorinda Dajose
Scientists reflect on the history, the detection, the science, and the future of the field of gravitational wave astronomy.
LIGO's Beginnings

LIGO's Beginnings

Douglas Smith
Built to look for gravitational waves, the ripples in the fabric of space itself that were predicted by Einstein in 1915, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) is the most ambitious project ever funded by the National Science Foundation. We talk to two Caltech researchers to learn about how LIGO came to be.
Elachi to Retire as JPL Director

Elachi to Retire as JPL Director

Charles Elachi has announced his intention to retire as director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on June 30, 2016 and move to campus as professor emeritus. A national search is underway to identify his successor.
Feynman's Nobel Year

Feynman's Nobel Year

Douglas Smith
Fifty years ago on October 21, 1965, Caltech's Richard Feynman shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Julian Schwinger and Sin-Itiro Tomonaga. The three independently brokered workable marriages between 20th-century quantum mechanics and 19th-century electromagnetic field theory.
Richard Feynman
Robotic Astronomer Finds New Home

Robotic Astronomer Finds New Home

The world's only robotic adaptive optics system, Robo-AO, is moving to a new home: the 2.1-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona.
Summer Interns Return with a World of Experiences

Summer Interns Return with a World of Experiences

Shayna Chabner McKinney
Caltech undergraduate students returned to campus this week, many after spending the summer working at companies in biotechnology, technology, and finance, among other fields. These students have had the opportunity to learn firsthand about the career opportunities and paths that may be available to them after graduation.
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