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Caltech-Led Astronomers Discover Galaxies Near Cosmic Dawn

Caltech-Led Astronomers Discover Galaxies Near Cosmic Dawn

Marcus Woo
A team of astronomers led by Caltech has used NASA's Hubble Space Telescope to discover seven of the most primitive and distant galaxies ever seen.
Kimble to Receive Physics Award

Kimble to Receive Physics Award

Brian Bell
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The Miracle and Beauty of Physics: An Interview with Cliff Cheung

The Miracle and Beauty of Physics: An Interview with Cliff Cheung

Marcus Woo
Cliff Cheung—who joined Caltech this fall as an assistant professor of theoretical physics—also plays guitar and piano, sings, and writes music. He recently answered a few questions about coming to Caltech and his passion for physics.
A Sky Full of Planets

A Sky Full of Planets

Ann Motrunich
The confirmed count of planets in other solar systems has skyrocketed to more than 850, plus thousands of identified candidates. The opportunity to characterize so many solar systems has brought together Caltech planetary scientists and astronomers, who are forming a Center for Planetary Astronomy.
High-Energy Physicists Smash Records for Network Data Transfer

High-Energy Physicists Smash Records for Network Data Transfer

Marcus Woo
Physicists led Caltech have smashed yet another series of records for data-transfer speed. The international team of high-energy physicists, computer scientists, and network engineers reached a transfer rate of 339 gigabits per second.
Diving Into the Unknown: An Interview with Andrei Faraon

Diving Into the Unknown: An Interview with Andrei Faraon

Kimm Fesenmaier
This fall, Andrei Faraon (BS '04) returned to his alma mater to take a position as an assistant professor of applied physics and materials science. In his work, he builds devices that attempt to use light to manipulate single quantum systems in solids.
Developing the Next Generation of Microsensors

Developing the Next Generation of Microsensors

Kimm Fesenmaier
Setting the stage for a new class of motional sensors, Caltech researchers have developed a new ultrasensitive, microchip-scale accelerometer that uses laser light to measure displacement.
New Caltech Fellows

New Caltech Fellows

Marcus Woo
Two Caltech faculty members have been awarded Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering. Biologist Alexei Aravin and astronomer John Johnson each were awarded $875,000, to be distributed over five years.
Happy 35th Birthday, Voyager!

Happy 35th Birthday, Voyager!

Kimm Fesenmaier

Today, September 5, marks the 35th anniversary of the launch of Voyager 1, which lifted off in 1977 on a Titan III–Centaur launch system just 16 days after its twin, Voyager 2. Now 11 billion and 9 billion miles from the sun, respectively, the spacecraft are the farthest-flung man-made objects, traveling every 100 days a distance equal to that between sun and Earth.

Weighing Molecules One at a Time

Weighing Molecules One at a Time

Marcus Woo

A team led by scientists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) has made the first-ever mechanical device that can measure the mass of individual molecules one at a time.