Morgan Ward Prize Winners

The Morgan Ward Prize was established by the Department of Mathematics in 1963 to honor the memory of Professor Morgan Ward in recognition of his long service to mathematics and to the Institute.  The competition is open to Mathematics freshmen and sophomores. An entry consists of a mathematical problem together with a solution or a significant contribution toward a solution. An entry may be individual (submitted by one student) or joint (submitted by a group of two or more students). Each student is entitled to at most three entries, of which two may be individual. The problem may have any source, but this source should be stated in the entry. The entries may be judged on the basis of the nature of the problem, originality and elegance of the solution. Any outside references used should be indicated.  

Abstracts/questions and/or solutions, where available, are linked to the winner's name.

2024 - Samuel Goodman; Khyathi Komalan; Justin Lee; Eduardo Nascimento; Group: Constantin Cedillo, Enoch Guo, Colin La

2023 - Samuel Goodman

2019 - Mayank Pandey

2018 - Will Overman, Mayank Pandey (Part 1, Part 2)

2017 - Zachary Chase

2016 - Chloe Hsu, Siddarth Prasad, Preston Rasmussen

2015 - no prize awarded

2014 - no prize awarded

2013 - no prize awarded

2012 - no prize awarded

2011 - Conway Xu

2010 - no prize awarded

2009 - no prize awarded

2008 - Gjergji Zaimi

2007 - no prize awarded

2006 - Po-Ling Loh

2005 - Ben Golub, Po-Ru Loh

2004 - Po-Ru Loh

2003 - Patrick Hummel

2002 - Richard Eager, Po-Shen Loh

2001 - Po-Shen Loh

2000 - no prize awarded

1999 - Ashwani Sastry

1998 - no prize awarded

1997 - no prize awarded

1996 - no prize awarded

1995 - no prize awarded

1994 - no prize awarded

1993 - Mitesh B. Patel, Anoop K. Sinha

1992 - Edray Goins, Troy Bassett

1991 - Edray Goins, Nitya Kitchloo

1990 - no prize awarded

1989 - Russel Manning

1988 - Allen Knutson, Raymond Sidney, Robert Southworth

1987 - no prize awarded

1986 - Eric Babson

1985 - George J Chen, David E. Long

1984 - no prize awarded

1983 - Tad White

1982 - Alan Murray

1981 - Alan Murray

1980 - Scott Michael, Forrest Quinn

1979 - David Mills

1978 - no prize awarded

1977 - no prize awarded

1976 - David Feinstein, Charles Schlindwein, David Zelinsky

1975 - Albert Wells, Jr.

1974 - Christopher Henley

1973 - James Shearer

1972 - Steve Poharsky

1971 - Bruce Reznick

1970 - George Lantos, Bruce Reznick

1969 - Geoffrey Lee

1968 - Jerry Feinberg

1967 - no prize awarded

1966 - James Maiorana

1965 - Terry Warren