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Caltech joins effort to extend capabilities of major observatories

Caltech joins effort to extend capabilities of major observatories

Sue McHugh
The California Institute of Technology will participate in a multi-institutional effort, funded by the National Science Foundation, to advance the field of adaptive optics, which promises to revolutionize astronomy.
New digital sky survey uncovers rare celestial objects

New digital sky survey uncovers rare celestial objects

Robert Tindol

A large new digital sky survey has been used by astronomers at the California Institute of Technology to discover distant quasars and other rare types of cosmic objects, including mysterious new objects of an unknown nature.

Aeronautics researchers generate cracks that move as fast as the speed of sound, and resemble certain earthquake shear ruptures

Aeronautics researchers generate cracks that move as fast as the speed of sound, and resemble certain earthquake shear ruptures

Robert Tindol

New work from California Institute of Technology researchers shows that a certain type of crack can exceed the shear wave speed through the material, creating a sort of "sonic boom," and can almost reach sound speed.

Caltech observes brightest gamma-ray burst so far

Caltech observes brightest gamma-ray burst so far

Robert Tindol

An extraordinarily bright cosmic gamma-ray flash turns out to be the most energetic one measured so far, according to a team of astronomers from the California Institute of Technology.

Caltech astronomer elected president of the American Astronomical Society

Caltech astronomer elected president of the American Astronomical Society

Robert Tindol
Anneila Sargent, professor of astronomy at the California Institute of Technology and director of Caltech's Owens Valley Radio Observatory, has been elected president of the American Astronomical Society (AAS).
New electron states observed by Caltech physicists

New electron states observed by Caltech physicists

Robert Tindol

Caltech physicists have succeeded in forcing electrons to flow in an unusual way never previously observed in nature or in the lab.

New study explains motions of the Emerson fault in the years following the Landers earthquake

New study explains motions of the Emerson fault in the years following the Landers earthquake

Robert Tindol
For geophysicists, the 7.3–magnitude Landers earthquake of June 28, 1992 has yielded much in terms of understanding the basic mechanisms of seismic events. A new study appearing in this week's Science provides a new model to explain why the ground near the fault gradually shifted the first few years after the main shock. The work could be used in the future for the analysis of earthquake hazard.?
David Goodstein Awarded 1999 Oersted Medal

David Goodstein Awarded 1999 Oersted Medal

Sue McHugh
he California Institute of Technology is pleased to announce that David Goodstein has been awarded the 1999 Oersted Medal by the American Association of Physics Teachers. The medal is to be presented at the Association's annual meeting in Anaheim next year.
Caltech physicists achieve first bona fide quantum teleportation

Caltech physicists achieve first bona fide quantum teleportation

Robert Tindol
Physicists at the California Institute of Technology, joined by an international collaboration, have succeeded in the first true teleportation of a quantum state. Caltech physicists achieve first bona fide quantum teleportation October 1998 98
Galileo data shows Jupiter's lightning associated with low-pressure regions

Galileo data shows Jupiter's lightning associated with low-pressure regions

Robert Tindol

Images of Jupiter's night side taken by the Galileo spacecraft reveal that the planet's lightning is controlled by the large-scale atmospheric circulation and is associated with low-pressure regions.