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Caltech at the LHC

Caltech at the LHC

Marcus Woo

Maria Spiropulu and Harvey Newman, both professors of physics at Caltech, lead the Caltech team of 40 physicists, students, and engineers that is part of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland.

X-ray Telescope Takes First Image

X-ray Telescope Takes First Image

Marcus Woo

NASA's NuSTAR space telescope has taken its first image, snapping a shot of the high-energy X rays from a black hole in the constellation Cygnus. NuSTAR will explore black holes, the dense remnants of dead stars, energetic cosmic explosions, and even our very own sun.

JPL: Cassini Finds Probable Ocean Below Titan's Surface

JPL: Cassini Finds Probable Ocean Below Titan's Surface

Kimm Fesenmaier

By studying the way Saturn's moon Titan squeezes and stretches as it orbits the ringed planet, researchers using data from NASA's Cassini orbiter have determined that a layer of liquid water likely exists beneath the moon's frozen exterior.

The Physics of Going Viral

The Physics of Going Viral

Kimm Fesenmaier

Caltech researchers have been able, for the first time, to watch viruses infecting individual bacteria by transferring their DNA, and to measure the rate at which that transfer occurs.

L.A. Times Shines Spotlight on HSS

L.A. Times Shines Spotlight on HSS

Kimm Fesenmaier

Caltech's core curriculum is designed to prepare students for the interdisciplinary nature of contemporary research in science and technology and requires that they complete what amounts to a class each quarter in the Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS). The Los Angeles Times recently focused the spotlight on this aspect of the Caltech experience, featuring several of the division's students. 

Put a Seismometer in Your Living Room

Put a Seismometer in Your Living Room

Douglas Smith

Back in the 1960s, Charlie Richter (PhD '28) installed a seismometer in his living room. Now, if you live in the Pasadena area, you can have one, too.

NuSTAR Space Telescope Blasts Off

NuSTAR Space Telescope Blasts Off

Marcus Woo

This morning, NASA's NuSTAR telescope was launched into the low-Earth orbit from which it will begin exploring the high-energy X-ray universe to uncover the secrets of black holes, the dense remnants of dead stars, energetic cosmic explosions, and even our very own sun.  

Artist's concept of NuSTAR space telescope
Caltech Graduate Student Wins DOE Fellowship for Computational Science

Caltech Graduate Student Wins DOE Fellowship for Computational Science

Kimm Fesenmaier

Caltech graduate student Melissa Yeung has been selected as one of 21 students nationally to receive a Department of Energy (DOE) Computational Science Graduate Fellowship. The honor covers up to four years of support for graduate studies in fields that focus on the use of high-performance computing technology to solve complex problems in science and engineering.

Physicists Close in on a Rare Particle-Decay Process

Physicists Close in on a Rare Particle-Decay Process

Marcus Woo

Physicists have made the most sensitive measurements yet in a decades-long hunt for a hypothetical and rare process involving the radioactive decay of atomic nuclei.

Caltech Astronomer Mike Brown Awarded Kavli Prize in Astrophysics

Caltech Astronomer Mike Brown Awarded Kavli Prize in Astrophysics

Marcus Woo

Mike Brown, the Richard and Barbara Rosenberg Professor and professor of planetary astronomy at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), has been named a co-winner of the 2012 Kavli Prize in Astrophysics for his efforts to understand the outer solar system—work that led to the demotion of Pluto.