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Peering Through the Intergalactic Dust

Peering Through the Intergalactic Dust

Cynthia Eller
Where do you go to look at the stars? Away from city lights, certainly. But if you're serious about peering far out into space, to the observable edges of our universe, at submillimeter wavelengths, you have to do a little better than that.
Himiko and the Cosmic Dawn

Himiko and the Cosmic Dawn

Cynthia Eller
Researchers have been using the combined resources of the Hubble Space Telescope and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array to probe the primitive nature of Himiko, a distant "space blob."
A Mathematical Approach to Physical Problems: An Interview with Rupert Frank

A Mathematical Approach to Physical Problems: An Interview with Rupert Frank

Kimm Fesenmaier
"I work in this area called mathematical physics. It involves taking things that we see and observe in nature and trying to explain them mathematically from first principles."
Interactions in Space: An Interview with Philip Hopkins

Interactions in Space: An Interview with Philip Hopkins

Jessica Stoller-Conrad
"I work on a broad range of topics, but basically I like studying how big things form. I study how galaxies form, how stars form, and how supermassive black holes form. Recently, I started studying how planets form"
Phil Hopkins standing in front of a chalkboard with equations
John H. Schwarz Wins Physics Frontiers Prize

John H. Schwarz Wins Physics Frontiers Prize

Cynthia Eller
Schwarz and Michael B. Green of the University of Cambridge were honored for developing superstring theory during their collaboration between 1979 and 1986. The prize comes with a $300,000 award and eligibility for the 2014 Fundamental Physics Prize, which, at $3 million, is one of the largest academic prizes in the world.
From One Collapsing Star, Two Black Holes Form and Fuse

From One Collapsing Star, Two Black Holes Form and Fuse

Jessica Stoller-Conrad
Now new findings by Caltech researchers may help to test a model that helps explain the problem of supermassive black holes existing in the early universe—such black holes would have formed less than one billion years after the Big Bang.
qCraft Introduces Gaming Kids to Quantum Principles

qCraft Introduces Gaming Kids to Quantum Principles

Jessica Stoller-Conrad
Finding common ground between schoolchildren and quantum-mechanics researchers is no easy task. After all, understanding quantum mechanics—the physics that governs the behavior of matter and light at the atomic (and subatomic) scale—can be daunting even for some physicists. However, through a recent collaboration with Google, researchers at Caltech have created a new space for this unlikely interaction—in the world of Minecraft, a popular video game.
Building the World's Most Sensitive Detectors: A Conversation with Rana Adhikari

Building the World's Most Sensitive Detectors: A Conversation with Rana Adhikari

Cynthia Eller
Caltech professor of physics Rana Adhikari has been on a singular quest for 15 years: to detect gravitational waves.
Rana Adhikari
Caltech Names Thomas F. Rosenbaum as New President

Caltech Names Thomas F. Rosenbaum as New President

Today Caltech announced the appointment of Thomas F. Rosenbaum as the Institute's ninth president. Dr. Rosenbaum is currently the John T. Wilson Distinguished Service Professor of Physics and provost at the University of Chicago.
Caltech Nobelist Zewail Named to UN Scientific Advisory Board

Caltech Nobelist Zewail Named to UN Scientific Advisory Board

Jessica Stoller-Conrad
Ahmed Zewail, Linus Pauling Professor of Chemistry and professor of physics, has been selected as one of 26 members of a new U.N. Scientific Advisory Board.