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Novel Tool Aids Exoplanet Hunt

Novel Tool Aids Exoplanet Hunt

Adam Hadhazy
Caltech, JPL, and NIST researchers have developed a simple, cost-effective laser frequency comb, potentially simplifying measurements of the telltale "wobbles" from stars that reveal the presence and properties of planets around other stars.
JPL News: Uranus as seen by NASA's Voyager 2

JPL News: Uranus as seen by NASA's Voyager 2

Humanity has visited Uranus only once, and that was 30 years ago when NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft got its closest look at the planet.
Hopkins Receives Honors from the AAS

Hopkins Receives Honors from the AAS

Lorinda Dajose
Assistant Professor Philip Hopkins has received the Helen B. Warner Prize for Astronomy.
Phil Hopkins standing in front of a chalkboard with equations
Evidence of a Real Ninth Planet

Evidence of a Real Ninth Planet

Kimm Fesenmaier
The giant planet, discovered through mathematical modeling and computer simulations, is nicknamed Planet Nine and traces a bizarre, highly elongated orbit in the outer solar system.
artistic rendering of Planet Nine
An Entangled Evening of Quantum Science

An Entangled Evening of Quantum Science

Tom Waldman
Caltech celebrates the past and present of quantum science and considers future possibilities that have the potential to revolution society.
Cosmic Clumpy Doughnuts Surround Black Holes

Cosmic Clumpy Doughnuts Surround Black Holes

Scientists at Caltech and JPL have discovered that black holes are surrounded by clumpy rings of gas and dust.
15 for 2015: The Year in Research News at Caltech

15 for 2015: The Year in Research News at Caltech

Lorinda Dajose
Here are 15 stories highlighting a few of the discoveries, methods, and technologies that came to life at Caltech in 2015.
How to Power Jet-Driven Supernovae

How to Power Jet-Driven Supernovae

Kimm Fesenmaier
New simulations show how a dynamo in collapsed massive stars can build the strong magnetic fields needed to power extremely energetic blasts.
Dark Matter Dominates in Nearby Dwarf Galaxy

Dark Matter Dominates in Nearby Dwarf Galaxy

Lorinda Dajose
A Caltech researcher has measured what could be the highest concentration of dark matter in any known galaxy.
Simon Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Simon Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Kathy Svitil
The mathematics and theoretical physics professor has been awarded the 2016 Leroy Steele Prize by the American Mathematical Society.
Barry Simon