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Shaping the FUTURE of Women Scientists

Shaping the FUTURE of Women Scientists

Whitney Clavin
Women from a host of different institutions gathered at Caltech for help navigating graduate school admissions.
Photo from FUTURE event
Exoplanet Stepping Stones

Exoplanet Stepping Stones

Whitney Clavin
New observations of a young gas giant demonstrate the power of a ground-based method to search for signatures of life.
Artwork of exoplanet HR 8799 c
Hunting for Hefty Stars

Hunting for Hefty Stars

Whitney Clavin
A massive star that exploded in a supernova known as "type Ic" may have been pinpointed for the first time.
Artwork of possible progenitor star
NASA Learns More about Interstellar Visitor 'Oumuamua

NASA Learns More about Interstellar Visitor 'Oumuamua

New results from the Spitzer Space Telescope put limits on the size of the asteroid 'Oumuamua.
Artwork of asteroid
NASA Retires Kepler Space Telescope

NASA Retires Kepler Space Telescope

NASA's planet-hunting Kepler space telescope has run out of fuel needed for further science operations.
Artwork of Kepler telescope in space
Cat's Paw Nebula

Cat's Paw Nebula

A bubbling star-forming region is highlighted in a new Spitzer image.
Cat's Paw Nebula
Students Build Exoplanet-Finding Telescope

Students Build Exoplanet-Finding Telescope

Jon Nalick
Teenage students participate in 10-week project that aims to show amateurs how to do professional-level science
Photo of students with Institute mentor
Caltech Professors Honored with 2019 New Horizons Prizes

Caltech Professors Honored with 2019 New Horizons Prizes

Whitney Clavin
Caltech professors are honored for their work on detecting gravitational waves and number theory.
Breakthrough Prize website image
Opening up the Dynamic Infrared Sky

Opening up the Dynamic Infrared Sky

Whitney Clavin
Mansi Kasliwal plans to survey the entire accessible night sky in infrared light every night.
photo of Mansi Kasliwal
Dying Star Emits a Whisper

Dying Star Emits a Whisper

Lorinda Dajose
The unexpectedly gentle death of a massive star suggests that it was being robbed by a dense companion lurking out of sight.
Three panels illustrating the life of a supernova