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It's a (More) Wonderful Life, Thanks to Caltech Students, Staff, and Researchers

It's a (More) Wonderful Life, Thanks to Caltech Students, Staff, and Researchers

Ann Motrunich
Here are some of the ways, big and small, that the Caltech community made an impact on other people’s lives in 2023.
David Cagan and Rebecca Ramirez in the lab
Prepping for Data From the Roman Space Telescope

Prepping for Data From the Roman Space Telescope

Cynthia Eller
Three project infrastructure teams (PITs) are ramping up in Pasadena, preparing to clean, analyze, and disseminate data from NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, set to launch in three years.
space telescope against a purple background
Telescope Dismantled and Heading to New Mission in Chile

Telescope Dismantled and Heading to New Mission in Chile

Whitney Clavin
The venerable mirror of the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory has been transported down Maunakea, where it awaits shipment to Chile for a new mission.
Lifting of the primary mirror truss off the telescope base.
Caltech and Broadcom Announce Quantum Research and Development Partnership

Caltech and Broadcom Announce Quantum Research and Development Partnership

Investment will create an innovation, collaboration hub to support world-leading scientists and engineers in quantum science, computing, and related fields.
circuit board, quantum graphics
Entanglement to the Rescue

Entanglement to the Rescue

Whitney Clavin
Scientists propose new method to search for deviations from the Standard Model of physics
Artwork depicting entangled molecules.
Software in Science

Software in Science

Cynthia Eller
The Schmidt Academy at Caltech trains software engineers and helps provide scientists with the software tools they need to accelerate pathbreaking scientific research.
five students sit around a table talking and drinking beverages
Warping Spacetime in Art and Verse

Warping Spacetime in Art and Verse

Cynthia Eller
Artist Lia Halloran and astrophysicist Kip Thorne have collaborated on a new book, The Warped Side of Our Universe: An Odyssey through Black Holes, Wormholes, Time Travel, and Gravitational Waves, which will be released on October 31, 2023.
painting of what a sea of wormholes might look like by Lia Halloran
Gary A. Lorden (BS '62), (1941–2023)

Gary A. Lorden (BS '62), (1941–2023)

Gary Allen Lorden (BS '62), professor of mathematics, emeritus, passed away on October 25, 2023. He was 82.
Gary Lorden
LIGO Surpasses the Quantum Limit

LIGO Surpasses the Quantum Limit

Whitney Clavin
Researchers have achieved a landmark in quantum squeezing.
Picture of the source of squeezed light at LIGO, after it was pumped with green light.
Eclipse Viewing Party Draws Hundreds to Caltech

Eclipse Viewing Party Draws Hundreds to Caltech

Jon Nalick
During the event, Caltech astronomers deliver lecture on the celestial phenomenon.
Four teenage girls wearing eclipse glasses on athletic field