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A Guided Tour of a Galactic Quintet

A Guided Tour of a Galactic Quintet

Whitney Clavin
In this video, Philip Appleton, a staff scientist at Caltech's IPAC ...
A group of colorful galaxies in space
An Ocean of Galaxies Awaits

An Ocean of Galaxies Awaits

Whitney Clavin
New COMAP radio survey will peer beneath the "tip of the iceberg" ...
Photo of COMAP's radio dish
What Comes After the Higgs Boson

What Comes After the Higgs Boson

Cynthia Eller
Ten years after the discovery of the elusive Higgs boson, Caltech ...
Cosmic Radio Pulses Probe Hidden Matter Around Galaxies

Cosmic Radio Pulses Probe Hidden Matter Around Galaxies

Whitney Clavin
Caltech researchers show that "fast radio bursts" are slowed down ...
Halo 5
Behold the Wonder of the Wimshurst Machine

Behold the Wonder of the Wimshurst Machine

Andrew Moseman
Developed in the 1880s by British inventor James Wimshurst, this ...
A round contraption sitting upon an old wooden table
Caltech Introduces New Named Professors and Leadership Chairs

Caltech Introduces New Named Professors and Leadership Chairs

Since the start of the 2022 calendar year, Caltech has recognized ...
photo of Parsons-Gates Hall of Administration
Physicists Move Closer to Finding Elusive Higgs Boson Self-Coupling

Physicists Move Closer to Finding Elusive Higgs Boson Self-Coupling

Whitney Clavin
Illustration of a particle collision
Thousands of Galaxies Shine in Ultraviolet Light in New Hubble Image

Thousands of Galaxies Shine in Ultraviolet Light in New Hubble Image

Whitney Clavin
Hubble image of distant galaxies.
NuSTAR Celebrates 10 Years in Space

NuSTAR Celebrates 10 Years in Space

Whitney Clavin
Ten years ago, NASA's NuSTAR blasted into space on a mission to ...
artwork of NuSTAR spacecraft
Native Americans Name Asteroid 'Ayló'chaxnim or 'Venus Girl'

Native Americans Name Asteroid 'Ayló'chaxnim or 'Venus Girl'

Whitney Clavin
Pauma band members walk up to the 200-inch Hale Telescope