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Robotic Astronomer Finds New Home

Robotic Astronomer Finds New Home

The world's only robotic adaptive optics system, Robo-AO, is moving to a new home: the 2.1-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona.
A Passion for Entanglement

A Passion for Entanglement

Rod Pyle
During last summer's SURF program at Caltech, undergraduate Patrick Rall worked in quantum information science. This is his second consecutive SURF summer.
SURF participant and Caltech undergraduate Patrick Rall.
LIGO SURF and the Perfect Wave

LIGO SURF and the Perfect Wave

Douglas Smith
As the Advanced LIGO Project geared up last summer, 27 undergraduates from around the world became full partners in one of the biggest, most complex physics experiment ever. Their contributions ranged from creating hardware and software for current use to helping design next-generation detectors.
LIGO SURF students in the control room
Alumnus Arthur McDonald Wins 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics

Alumnus Arthur McDonald Wins 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics

Douglas Smith
Arthur B. McDonald (PhD '70), director of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) in Ontario, Canada, and Takaaki Kajita, at the University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan, have shared the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery that neutrinos can change their identities as they travel through space.
The Topolariton, a New Half-Matter, Half-Light Particle

The Topolariton, a New Half-Matter, Half-Light Particle

Rod Pyle
The topolariton is a new half-light, half-matter quasiparticle theorized by Caltech researchers that has unique properties. Topolaritons may one day allow for dramatic advances in a number of technologies.
Recent Alumnus Adam Jermyn wins 2015 LeRoy Apker Award

Recent Alumnus Adam Jermyn wins 2015 LeRoy Apker Award

Olga Batygin
Adam Jermyn was no stranger to awards or recognition while he was a Caltech undergraduate just...
Summer Interns Return with a World of Experiences

Summer Interns Return with a World of Experiences

Shayna Chabner McKinney
Caltech undergraduate students returned to campus this week, many after spending the summer working at companies in biotechnology, technology, and finance, among other fields. These students have had the opportunity to learn firsthand about the career opportunities and paths that may be available to them after graduation.
Global Project to Study Cosmic Flashes

Global Project to Study Cosmic Flashes

Kimm Fesenmaier
The GROWTH network aims to keep astronomers and telescopes unbeaten by sunrise as they study exotic events, such as supernovae. The effort, led by new-faculty member Mansi M. Kasliwal, just received funding under the NSF's Partnerships for International Research and Education program.
Advanced LIGO to Begin Operations

Advanced LIGO to Begin Operations

Rod Pyle
The Advanced LIGO, twin observatories designed to detect gravitational waves, begins full-scale operations this week after a 7-year overhaul. The new detectors are 10 times as powerful as their predecessors.
Preparations for Advanced LIGO's full-scale operational startup
Farthest Galaxy Detected

Farthest Galaxy Detected

Rod Pyle
Caltech researchers have reported the detection of the farthest object yet, galaxy EGS8p7. At more than 13.2 billion years old, it provides a fascinating glimpse of the very early universe, just 600,000 years after the Big Bang.
Galaxy EGS8p7 as seen from space telescopes.