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Nets Katz Named 2019 Simons Fellow

Nets Katz Named 2019 Simons Fellow

Whitney Clavin
Mathematics professor Nets Katz plans to use his Simons Fellowship for a sabbatical at Indiana University Bloomington.
Nets in front of green background
Fireflies, Heartbeats, and the Science of Sync

Fireflies, Heartbeats, and the Science of Sync

Whitney Clavin
New experiments in the "science of sync" may ultimately lead to improved tools for controlling power grids and heart arrhythmias.
Picture of fireflies flashing in unison.
Caltech Announces the 2019 Distinguished Alumni Award Winners

Caltech Announces the 2019 Distinguished Alumni Award Winners

Caltech has announced five recipients of this year's Distinguished Alumni Award.
photo of the Distinguished Alumni Award medal
Seeking Order in Chaos

Seeking Order in Chaos

Whitney Clavin
Maksym Radziwill is fascinated by the question of randomness versus determinism.
Live Stream: Kip Thorne's Watson Lecture

Live Stream: Kip Thorne's Watson Lecture

Watch Kip Thorne's February 27, 2019 Watson Lecture
Kip Thorne
In Colliding Galaxies, a Pipsqueak Shines Bright

In Colliding Galaxies, a Pipsqueak Shines Bright

NuSTAR has released a new view of the nearby Whirlpool galaxy and its companion galaxy, M51b.
Whirpool galaxy
Kip Thorne Looks Back...and Ahead

Kip Thorne Looks Back...and Ahead

In his February 27 Watson Lecture, Thorne will discuss the "warped side of our universe," and speculate on future discoveries about the birth of our universe and of the laws that govern it.
Kip Thorne
Philip Isett Wins 2019 Sloan Fellowship

Philip Isett Wins 2019 Sloan Fellowship

Whitney Clavin
Philip Isett has been awarded a Sloan Research Fellowship, which go to early career scientists of "outstanding promise."
Philip Isett
LIGO Receives New Funding to Search for Cosmic Events

LIGO Receives New Funding to Search for Cosmic Events

Whitney Clavin
The NSF is awarding Caltech and MIT $20.4 million to upgrade LIGO, with additional funding coming from the United Kingdom and Australia.
Engineers installing Advanced LIGO upgrades.
NASA Selects Caltech-led SPHEREx Space Mission

NASA Selects Caltech-led SPHEREx Space Mission

Whitney Clavin
The SPHEREx sky-surveying mission will answer questions about the origins of the universe.
Artwork of SPHEREx science goals