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Scientists Find Evidence for Slow-Rolling Sea of Gravitational Waves

Scientists Find Evidence for Slow-Rolling Sea of Gravitational Waves

Whitney Clavin
Artist's concept of a network of pulsars that detect gravitational waves from pairs of orbiting supermassive black holes.
Breaking Ground on the Quantum World

Breaking Ground on the Quantum World

Ann Motrunich
A new interdisciplinary laboratory will probe the nature of space ...
A duotoned green montage includes quantum physics experimental equipment, images related to fundamental physics and astrophysics, and a preliminary building concept.
Mars, Texas: My Year in Simulated Space

Mars, Texas: My Year in Simulated Space

Elise Cutts
Alumnus Ross Brockwell is living on the Red Planet—in Houston.
Ross Brockwell, and a picture of the Mars simulation
Voyager Scientist Celebrates 50 Years at Caltech

Voyager Scientist Celebrates 50 Years at Caltech

Julia Ehlert
Alan Cummings (PhD ‘73), senior research scientist in the Space ...
Alan Cummings
Caltech Introduces New Leadership Chairs and Named Professorships

Caltech Introduces New Leadership Chairs and Named Professorships

This year, Caltech recognized three faculty members with ...
Caltech Hosts Conference for Emerging Black Academics in STEM

Caltech Hosts Conference for Emerging Black Academics in STEM

Julia Ehlert
Group photo of the Conference for Emerging Black Academics in STEM
New Keck Observatory Instrument Sets Its Sights on Turtle Nebula

New Keck Observatory Instrument Sets Its Sights on Turtle Nebula

Whitney Clavin
The Keck and Subaru observatories atop Maunakea summit in Hawaiʻi.
Astronomers Discover Extremely Warped Supernova

Astronomers Discover Extremely Warped Supernova

Ivona Kostadinova, ZTF
Rare supernova find will help probe distribution of matter in galaxies
The four, duplicated images of SN Zwicky are seen here, observed at the highest possible resolution with the W.M. Keck Observatory. The surroundings are observed at a lower resolution.
Hertz Graduate Fellows Announced

Hertz Graduate Fellows Announced

Cynthia Eller
Caltech Graduate Student Philip Kocheril and Two Incoming ...
Composite image of 2023 Hertz Fellows
Caltech Submillimeter Observatory Telescope Removal Update

Caltech Submillimeter Observatory Telescope Removal Update

Caltech will disassemble the mirror from the Caltech ...
Caltech Submillimeter Observatory