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Build It and They Will Come (The Fast Radio Bursts)

Build It and They Will Come (The Fast Radio Bursts)

Whitney Clavin
New astronomy professor Vikram Ravi discusses building new ...
Vikram Ravi
Fiona Harrison and Fernando Brandão win American Physical Society Awards

Fiona Harrison and Fernando Brandão win American Physical Society Awards

Whitney Clavin
Fiona Harrison and Fernando Brandão
Super Spirals Spin Super Fast

Super Spirals Spin Super Fast

"Super spiral" galaxies spin at a rate of up to 350 miles per second.
A super spiral galaxy captured by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Virtual Reality for Scientists

Virtual Reality for Scientists

Whitney Clavin
Scientists are getting a new look at their data with the help of ...
Still from VR lung program.
KAGRA to Join LIGO and Virgo in Hunt for Gravitational Waves

KAGRA to Join LIGO and Virgo in Hunt for Gravitational Waves

Whitney Clavin
KAGRA, LIGO, and Virgo will team up to detect gravitational waves.
Photos of KAGRA, LIGO, and Virgo.
Stewart and Lynda Resnick Pledge $750 Million to Caltech to Support Environmental Sustainability Research

Stewart and Lynda Resnick Pledge $750 Million to Caltech to Support Environmental Sustainability Research

Kathy Svitil
Lynda Resnick, Caltech President Thomas F. Rosenbaum, and Stewart Resnick
First Overtones "Heard" in the Ringing of a Black Hole

First Overtones "Heard" in the Ringing of a Black Hole

Whitney Clavin
By listening for specific tones in the gravitational waves of black ...
Simulation of black hole data
A Metal Unlike Itself

A Metal Unlike Itself

Whitney Clavin
Physicists find evidence for the mechanism by which metals may ...
Image of lithium osmate sample
Caltech Faculty Honored with Breakthrough and New Horizons Prizes

Caltech Faculty Honored with Breakthrough and New Horizons Prizes

Robert Perkins and Whitney Clavin
Breakthrough Prize
Philip Isett Wins Clay Award

Philip Isett Wins Clay Award

Whitney Clavin
The Clay Research Award honors "outstanding achievements of ...
Philip Isett